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BP Complaints

Gulf oil spill claim payouts reach $5.5 billion – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on October 27, 2011 by bp complaints

Press-Register – al.com

Gulf oil spill claim payouts reach .5 billion
Los Angeles Times
A year and a half after the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the administrator of BP's -billion restitution fund told Congress on Thursday that he has has paid out about .5 billion to more than 213000 victims of the nation's worst offshore
Oil spill claims czar: Shrimpers' pain continuesFox News
Oil spill fund chief says he welcomes oversightKansas City Star
BP's Spill Fund Paid .5 Billion in Claims, Feinberg SaysBusinessWeek

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GOP contenders’ ‘Drill, baby, drill’ attitude after Gulf spill makes sharp … – Washington Post 0

Posted on October 27, 2011 by bp complaints

Modesto Bee

GOP contenders' 'Drill, baby, drill' attitude after Gulf spill makes sharp
Washington Post
The millions of gallons of oil that spilled into the Gulf of Mexico last year and the crude that flowed from pipelines into Montana's Yellowstone River and Michigan's Kalamazoo River have put a spotlight on the environmental risks of energy production.
Post-spill, GOP still pushes 'Drill, baby, drill'The Associated Press
Why BP (and Big Oil) just can't loseFortune
Congress: Don't Drill and DriveNatural Resources Defense Council (blog)

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Gulf oil spill claims czar to issue new rules for shrimpers to make payments … – Washington Post (blog) 0

Posted on October 27, 2011 by bp complaints

Press-Register – al.com

Gulf oil spill claims czar to issue new rules for shrimpers to make payments
Washington Post (blog)
The administrator of the billion fund set up to compensate individuals and businesses hurt by last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill says new rules are being formulated to make payouts more generous for hard-hit shrimpers.
Feinberg to increase payments to Gulf shrimpers hit hard by oil spillThe Hill (blog)
Lawmakers Receive an Update on BP Oil FundC-SPAN

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Gulf Shores visitors getting holiday greeting to thank them for returning in 2011 – Press-Register – al.com (blog) 0

Posted on October 27, 2011 by bp complaints

Press-Register – al.com (blog)

Gulf Shores visitors getting holiday greeting to thank them for returning in 2011
Press-Register – al.com (blog)
GULF SHORES, Alabama — About 75000 families who came to Gulf Shores in 2011 will get a holiday card in upcoming weeks as part of a 000 city project to thank people for coming back to the beach after last year's oil spill. The card shows a Christmas
USA: Gulf Shores Applies for Five GrantsDredging Today

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BP wins approval for new deep-water drilling in Gulf of Mexico – MiamiHerald.com 0

Posted on October 27, 2011 by bp complaints


BP wins approval for new deep-water drilling in Gulf of Mexico
WASHINGTON — BP won approval from the Interior Department to drill its first exploratory oil well in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion touched off the country's worst offshore environmental disaster.
BP Gets First Gulf Permit Since SpillWall Street Journal
BP wins first Gulf of Mexico deepwater drilling permit since Deepwater Horizon NOLA.com
BP to resume drilling in Gulf of MexicoCNN
Washington Post
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deepwater horizon – Google News

BP Gets First Gulf Permit Since Spill – Wall Street Journal 0

Posted on October 26, 2011 by bp complaints

Sky News

BP Gets First Gulf Permit Since Spill
Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—BP PLC on Wednesday got permission to drill its first well in the Gulf of Mexico since the company's massive oil spill there last year. The decision was expected after the US Interior Department approved the
BP Q3 profit rises on higher oil priceBusinessWeek
BP gets new Gulf drilling permitPolitico
US gives BP permit to drill new deepwater Gulf well, its 1st since 2010 oil Washington Post
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BP wins first Gulf of Mexico deepwater drilling permit since Deepwater Horizon … – NOLA.com 0

Posted on October 26, 2011 by bp complaints

The Guardian

BP wins first Gulf of Mexico deepwater drilling permit since Deepwater Horizon
By Jonathan Tilove, The Times-Picayune WASHINGTON — BP has won approval of its first permit to drill in the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon disaster. BPBHP Billiton announced recently that it had drilled a successful
US gives BP permit to drill new deepwater Gulf well, its 1st since 2010 oil Washington Post
BP sells bn in assets in preparation for legal battle over Macondo spillThe Guardian

all 717 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

US gives BP permit to drill new deepwater Gulf well, its 1st since 2010 oil … – Washington Post 0

Posted on October 26, 2011 by bp complaints


US gives BP permit to drill new deepwater Gulf well, its 1st since 2010 oil
Washington Post
BP the go-ahead to drill a new deepwater well in the Gulf of Mexico, its first such permit since last year's catastrophic oil spill. Regulators said Wednesday BP has met strict safety requirements implemented after the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
BP at 'turning point' 18 months after oil disasterAFP
White House grants BP the right to drill in the gulf one year after oil disasterExaminer.com
BP turns corner after spill disastergulfnews.com
NOLA.com –This is Money –Center for Research on Globalization
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Gulf Shores seeks NRDA money for beach access, property purchases, wetlands … – al.com (blog) 0

Posted on October 26, 2011 by bp complaints

al.com (blog)

Gulf Shores seeks NRDA money for beach access, property purchases, wetlands
al.com (blog)
The money was supplied by BP PLC for environmental projects following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, according to project reports. Proposed Gulf Shores projects include buying about 65 acres between Little Lagoon and Oyster Bay, improved parking
Gulf Shores seeks grants for improvementsBizjournals.com

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BP Recovers $4 Billion From Anadarko for Gulf Spill – New York Times 0

Posted on October 26, 2011 by bp complaints


BP Recovers Billion From Anadarko for Gulf Spill
New York Times
LONDON — The British oil company, BP, said Monday that a partner in a well that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, Anadarko Petroleum, had agreed to pay billion to settle claims relating to last year's oil spill.
BP recovers bn in Gulf oil spill costsAFP
Anadarko Ends Standoff, Settles With BP on Gulf Spill CostsBusinessWeek
BP gets bln from Anadarko for oil spill costsReuters
ABC News
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