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BP Complaints

Sen. Bill Nelson helped lift veil on BP gulf oil spill – Tampabay.com 0

Posted on November 01, 2011 by bp complaints

Sen. Bill Nelson helped lift veil on BP gulf oil spill
On May 12, BP released a 30-second video of oil and gas spilling from the end of a broken pipe — and scientists scrambled to update their estimates, which now ranged from 20000 to 100000 barrels a day. By mid May, media reports spread additional doubt
Interior to extend nearly 1400 leases affected by post-spill drilling moratoriumThe Hill (blog)
Danziger & De Llano, Continuing to Help Victims of the BP Oil Spill, Offers PR Web (press release)
Guest Commentary: BP Awarded First Gulf Permit to Drill Since Deepwater The Pelican Post
Beauregard Daily News –Tbo.com –Mississippi Press (blog)
all 20 news articles »

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Guest Commentary: BP Awarded First Gulf Permit to Drill Since Deepwater … – The Pelican Post 0

Posted on October 31, 2011 by bp complaints

Guest Commentary: BP Awarded First Gulf Permit to Drill Since Deepwater
The Pelican Post
Earlier this week, the federal Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) awarded BP its first deepwater drilling permit in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon accident. The long-awaited permit gives BP the green light to begin
Shake-Up in Deepwater Permitting Continues Over a Year After BP SpillJD Supra (press release)
BP has new practices, new standards and a resolve to drill safelyMississippi Press (blog)
Danziger & De Llano, Continuing to Help Victims of the BP Oil Spill, Offers PR Web (press release)
The Hill (blog) –Beauregard Daily News
all 16 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Menhaden industry rebounds after Gulf oil spill – WLOX 0

Posted on October 30, 2011 by bp complaints

Menhaden industry rebounds after Gulf oil spill
Last season was wiped out, when the BP oil spill shut down virtually the entire Gulf of Mexico to fishing. Tom Wittman is the general manager of the Moss Point operation. There were some worries heading into 2011. "Of course we had concerns but as we

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BP will drill the safest well in the Gulf – Houston Chronicle (blog) 0

Posted on October 29, 2011 by bp complaints


BP will drill the safest well in the Gulf
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Today, government regulators approved BP's plan to drill its first deepwater well in the Gulf of Mexico's since last year's Macondo disaster, which killed 11 crew members aboard the Deepwater Horizon. The plan allows BP to immediately begin drilling at
BSEE issues work safety rule guidancePetroleum News
Hearing On Gulf Coast RecoveryKDRV
BP returns to the GulfLondon Review of Books (subscription) (blog)
all 15 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

BP Sneaks Back Into The Gulf Of Mexico – Care2.com (blog) 0

Posted on October 29, 2011 by bp complaints


BP Sneaks Back Into The Gulf Of Mexico
Care2.com (blog)
Although many Gulf Coast residents say they are still waiting for BP to make good on its promise to refund money lost during the oil spill disaster of 2010, the White House claims the company has met all of the enhanced safety regulations put in place
EU to extend coastal pollution fines to 200 nautical milesAFP
Hearing On Gulf Coast RecoveryKDRV
BSEE issues work safety rule guidancePetroleum News
Houston Chronicle (blog) –London Review of Books (subscription) (blog)
all 19 news articles »

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BP Could Drill in Gulf Again – Care2.com 0

Posted on October 28, 2011 by bp complaints


BP Could Drill in Gulf Again
British Petroleum's plan to drill in the Gulf of Mexico again was approved by the Obama administration. It was their first oil drilling plan approved for the Gulf since the huge oil spill the company caused in 2010. Their newly approved plan calls for
GOP contenders' 'Drill, baby, drill' attitude after Gulf spill makes sharp Washington Post
Gulf index still shows oil permits behindSlidell Sentry News
Post-spill, GOP still pushes 'Drill, baby, drill'Fox News
all 73 news articles »

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Gulf index still shows oil permits behind – Slidell Sentry News 0

Posted on October 28, 2011 by bp complaints

Bellingham Herald

Gulf index still shows oil permits behind
Slidell Sentry News
Before oil spill, deep water drilling permits were being issued at a rate of an average of 7 per month. Today, only 4 are being issued on average a month. Things are not much better for shallow water permits.
GOP contenders' 'Drill, baby, drill' attitude after Gulf spill makes sharp Washington Post
Post-spill, GOP still pushes 'Drill, baby, drill'Fox News
Drilling permit in hand, BP poised to return to operations in the Gulf of MexicoExaminer.com
all 72 news articles »

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LatamEnergy: US Embargo on Cuba Hinders Response to Gulf Spill – MNI News 0

Posted on October 28, 2011 by bp complaints

LatamEnergy: US Embargo on Cuba Hinders Response to Gulf Spill
MNI News
But the scenes last year of the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon accident, that took months to shut down, have pulled the curtain back on an unexpected danger: an oil spill in Cuban waters within sight of Florida

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Scientists examine whether Gulf oil spill prompted dolphin deaths – Houma Courier 0

Posted on October 28, 2011 by bp complaints


Scientists examine whether Gulf oil spill prompted dolphin deaths
Houma Courier
And last year's Deepwater Horizon oil spill may have played a role, they said. "The working hypothesis is that the oil negatively impacted the dolphins' immune system," said Teri Rowles, coordinator of the National Marine Mammal Health and Stranding
Gulf of Mexico dolphins died of bacterial infection in 'unusual mortality event'NOLA.com
Bacteria linked to deaths of bottlenosed dolphinsCNN
Link between BP spill and dolphin deaths investigatedCBS News
Pensacola News Journal –MiamiHerald.com
all 116 news articles »

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Researchers: BP oil spill may have contributed to Gulf of Mexico dolphin deaths – Tampabay.com 0

Posted on October 27, 2011 by bp complaints

WISC Madison

Researchers: BP oil spill may have contributed to Gulf of Mexico dolphin deaths
The number of dead dolphins began to surge last year, leading to fears that they were being killed by the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But the surge began at least a month before the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig off the Louisiana
Some dolphins in massive die-off killed by bacterial infection, NOAA saysNOLA.com
Deadly bacteria found in dolphins stranded since BP spillSunHerald.com
Bacteria linked to deaths of bottlenosed dolphinsCNN
NOAA –MiamiHerald.com
all 92 news articles »

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