Posted on
November 08, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Evidence shows Gulf oil spill caused widespread ecological damage Sarasota Herald-Tribune Far from pristine, the northern Gulf contains more than 3000 active oil rigs and 26000 miles of pipelines. It also receives huge slugs of nutrient pollution each year from the Mississippi River. Separating the oil spill's impact from the other stress … BP's Gulf oil second wave 100 miles from shore, 'Big Fix' splashes Oil spills everywhereGlobe and Mail The Current: Oil spill impacts one year FuelFix (blog) –MarketWatch (press release) –Oil & Gas Journal all 25 news articles »
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Tags: causedDamageEcologicalEvidenceGulfHeraldTribuneSarasotashowsspillwidespread
Posted on
November 07, 2011 by
bp complaints (blog) |
Record Number of People Visit Alabama's Gulf Coast WAAY Tourism officials along Alabama's Gulf Coast say beach attendance numbers are expected to hit a record five million visitors this year. The record attendance follows a 47 percent drop in 2010, following the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. … Cohesive Marketing Efforts Result in 0 Million Rebound for Alabama Beaches …MarketWatch (press release) Tourism numbers could hit record 5 million one year after oil (blog) Alabama Gulf Coast expects record number of visitors this yearThe Republic The Birmingham News – (blog) –Easy Destination Blog (blog) all 20 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: Alabama'scoastGulfNumberPeopleRecordVisitWAAY
Posted on
November 06, 2011 by
bp complaints
Texas Gulf alert to stay away, 4.2 million poisoned dead fish, mild relief Oil is still gushing into the region, in some areas, as deadly as immediately after the spill, and Corexit is still being used to secretly carpet bomb. “I was shocked to see a large fish kill stretching for almost 7 miles along the beach,” Cameron …
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gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: AlertawayDeadExaminer.comFishGulfmildMillionpoisoned.ReliefstayTexas
Posted on
November 06, 2011 by
bp complaints
Experts: More Gulf oil spilling than thought, Frack, drill citizen spies needed Thursday night, Amos and Woods showed their digital images of the BP Gulf of Mexico "oil spill" that proved there were more gallons being spilled than previously thought, as reported by Tricia Lynn Strader for The Journal. Amos, President of the newly …
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: CitizenDrillExaminer.comexpertsFrackGulfmoreNeededspiesspillingThanThought
Posted on
November 05, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Between The Lines |
National Aquarium hosting Gulf spill symposium BusinessWeek Baltimore's National Aquarium is hosting a symposium on assessing damage from last year's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists, policy makers, and others are discussing research into how the spill is affecting natural resources. … Is BP Resurfacing From the Spill?Motley Fool Aquarium, Gulf Officials Discuss Oil Spill ResearchWBAL Baltimore NIH sponsoring oil spill –Houma Courier –San Francisco Chronicle all 85 news articles »
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Tags: AquariumBusinessWeekGulfHostingNationalspillSYMPOSIUM
Posted on
November 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The State Column |
Aquarium, Gulf Officials Discuss Oil Spill Research WBAL Baltimore BALTIMORE — The Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion and subsequent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has fallen from the headlines, but cleanup efforts are still under way. Officials from the Gulf region joined those in the conservation department at … Pace of offshore drilling approvals picks upSan Francisco Chronicle Gulf spill still affecting environment, industriesHouma Courier Rep. Larsen Seeks Ways to Ensure Oil Spill CleanupThe State Column ABC2 News – (blog) –The Hill (blog) all 69 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: AquariumBaltimorediscussGulfofficialsResearchspillWBAL
Posted on
November 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
 FRANCE 24 |
Baltimore scientists find low but possibly harmful Gulf contamination Baltimore Sun Scientists from the National Aquarium and the Johns Hopkins University say they've found low but potentially harmful levels of toxic oil contaminants in the Gulf of Mexico months after the Deepwater Horizon well … Post-moratorium, new finds in the GulfHouma Courier Regulators Extend 1400 Deepwater Leases in Gulf of MexicoThe Maritime Executive Swiss Transocean posts mn loss in 3rd quarterAFP –World Socialist Web Site –Motley Fool all 61 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: BaltimorecontaminationFindGulfharmfulPossiblyScientists
Posted on
November 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
Scientists and policy makers discuss long-term impact of gulf oil spill ABC2 News BALTIMORE – The long-term impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is yet to be seen, however scientists are working hard to come up with an idea of what we can expect. There's a symposium going on at the National Aquarium in …
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: ABC2discussGulfimpactlongtermmakersNewsPolicyScientistsspill
Posted on
November 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Between The Lines |
Federal-State Task Force Proposes Strategy to Restore Oil Spill-Ravaged Gulf … Between The Lines After last year's British Petroleum oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, a federal-state task force began looking at ways to address long-term environmental damage along the Gulf Coast. The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force issued a … Still Collecting Lawsuits, Oil Giant Resumes DrillingMotley Fool Post-moratorium, new finds in the GulfHouma Courier Regulators Extend 1400 Deepwater Leases in Gulf of MexicoThe Maritime Executive Houston Chronicle –Bizmology –PR Web (press release) all 47 news articles »
gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: BetweenFederalStateForceGulfLinesproposesrestoreSpillRavagedStrategyTask
Posted on
November 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Between The Lines |
Gulf spill still affecting environment, industries Houma Courier Here's how tourism, seafood and the environment are holding up more than a year after the spill. In the immediate aftermath of the Gulf oil spill, many traditionally tourism-dependent businesses like hotels, restaurants and even swamp tours didn't see … Federal-State Task Force Proposes Strategy to Restore Oil Spill-Ravaged Gulf …Between The Lines Regulators Extend 1400 Deepwater Leases in Gulf of MexicoThe Maritime Executive BP wins permission to drill in the deepwater Gulf of MexicoBizmology Oil & Gas Journal –Upstream Online –GCaptain (press release) all 47 news articles »
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Tags: affectingCourierEnvironmentGulfHoumaIndustriesspillstill