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BP Complaints

Oil drilling plan to focus on Gulf of Mexico – Reuters 0

Posted on November 09, 2011 by bp complaints


Oil drilling plan to focus on Gulf of Mexico
Environmentalists have been critical of opening exploration in the Arctic, warning that the region's extreme climate would make an oil spill more complex and costly to clean up compared to an accident in the Gulf. "Spill prevention, containment and
Obama to expand drilling off Alaska, in GulfThe Associated Press
US Designates Sites For Future Oil DrillingFox Business
Obama plans new drilling for Alaska, GulfMother Nature Network (blog)
Washington Post (blog) –MyFox Dallas
all 286 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Oil drilling plan to focus on Gulf of Mexico – Reuters UK 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints

Reuters UK

Oil drilling plan to focus on Gulf of Mexico
Reuters UK
Environmentalists have been critical of opening exploration in the Arctic, warning that the region's extreme climate would make an oil spill more complex and costly to clean up compared to an accident in the Gulf. "Spill prevention, containment and
Obama to expand drilling off Alaska, in GulfThe Associated Press
US Designates Sites For Future Oil DrillingFox Business
Obama plans new drilling for Alaska, GulfMother Nature Network (blog)
Washington Post (blog) –MyFox Dallas
all 277 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Obama to expand drilling off Alaska, in Gulf – The Associated Press 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints


Obama to expand drilling off Alaska, in Gulf
The Associated Press
In the western and central Gulf, by contrast, the proposal puts all unleased acreage up for sale. There, drilling is more commonplace, infrastructure is well developed, and spill response plans have improved since the Gulf oil spill disaster in 2010.
Obama to expand drilling off Alaska, in GulfeTaiwan News
New US offshore oil leasing plan includes ArcticAFP
Interior drilling plan takes fire from Republicans, greensThe Hill (blog)
eNews Park Forest –National Journal
all 267 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

US oil drilling plan to focus on Gulf of Mexico – Reuters UK 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints

Mother Nature Network (blog)

US oil drilling plan to focus on Gulf of Mexico
Reuters UK
Environmentalists have been critical of opening exploration in the Arctic, warning that the region's extreme climate would make an oil spill more complex and costly to clean up compared to an accident in the Gulf. "Spill prevention, containment and
Obama to expand drilling off Alaska, in GulfThe Associated Press
US oil drilling plan to focus on Gulf of MexicoReuters Africa
Obama plans new drilling for Alaska, GulfMother Nature Network (blog)
Washington Post (blog) –MyFox Dallas
all 249 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill players try to duck blame – New Zealand Herald 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Gulf oil spill players try to duck blame
New Zealand Herald
It's not enough for BP, Halliburton and Transocean to avoid talking to Congress about these oil spill reports, they don't want anyone in the courts talking about them either," Markey said in a statement. The Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of
Evidence shows Gulf oil spill caused widespread ecological damageSarasota Herald-Tribune
Oil spill defendants want to keep investigations blaming them for disaster out Washington Post
BP, other oil spill defendants want to keep investigations blaming them out of CanadianBusiness.com
Examiner.com –Globe and Mail
all 346 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Obama cautiously expands offshore drilling in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico – Washington Post (blog) 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints


Obama cautiously expands offshore drilling in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico
Washington Post (blog)
The drilling plans are much narrower in scope than what the administration had said it would consider prior to the Gulf oil spill and what Republicans say is needed to create jobs. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Tuesday the government will hold 15
Obama Offshore Oil Plan a Disaster for Wildlife, ClimateCenter for Biological Diversity (press release)
Obama to expand drilling off Alaska, in GulfThe Associated Press
Interior unveils scaled-back offshore drilling planThe Hill (blog)

all 154 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Interior Plan Includes More Gulf, Alaska Leases – National Journal 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints

Juice (blog)

Interior Plan Includes More Gulf, Alaska Leases
National Journal
just confirms that we have apparently learned nothing from the worst offshore oil spill in our nation's history. As tragic as the Deepwater Horizon disaster was, we must recognize that it occurred in relatively benign environmental conditions.
Obama Offshore Oil Plan a Disaster for Wildlife, ClimateCenter for Biological Diversity (press release)
Obama administration to unveil 5-year offshore drilling planFuelFix (blog)
Oil drilling to expand – but not near FloridaJuice (blog)
WVEC.com (subscription)
all 152 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Researchers ready Gulf Coast oil spill health study – WLOX 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints

Researchers ready Gulf Coast oil spill health study
It's been a little over a year since the BP Oil Spill and some are still recovering from the disaster. In an effort to help those individuals and respond to some unanswered questions, The National Institute of Health

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gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill grants were fumbled, lawsuits say – NOLA.com 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints


Gulf oil spill grants were fumbled, lawsuits say
By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune Terry Smith of Lafayette was working on a deepwater drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico in May 2010 when the Obama administration shut down the industry in response to the BP oil spill. He is among an estimated 1600

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Audit finds Shaw overbilled for sand berms after Gulf oil spill – NOLA.com 0

Posted on November 08, 2011 by bp complaints


Audit finds Shaw overbilled for sand berms after Gulf oil spill
Last December, a presidential commission set up to investigate the BP oil spill called the project "underwhelmingly effective, overwhelmingly expensive." The state agency overseeing the berm project, the Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration,
Audit finds Shaw overbilled for sand bermsAnchorage Daily News

all 15 news articles »

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