Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Oil Spill harmful to BP Stocks! Who would have guessed? 25

Posted on May 26, 2010 by bp complaints

BP is very, very concerned about the oil-spill in the Gulf. After circumventing governmental regulations, and paying off the regulators, in order to save $ 8 million bucks for this particular drilling project in the short run, they are now facing billions of losses, a 13% drop in their stock price.and YES, they are very concerned. You betcha! So, as the article stated: no, not even the oil industry’s most fervent apologists, is making light of this accident. Except, that this accident would have been entirely preventable, had it not been for short-term profit concerns in the first place. This is an industry, which has resisted alternative and renewable energy for DECADES, because its just too profitable for the time being, and other infra-structure investments may cut into their profits instead of making long-term investments far into the future. They do not care about the planet or its inhabitants long-term, all that matters are their stock portfolios on Wall Street. Is BP another company TOO BIG to fail? Why do you think, that the people of Greece are so pissed off? Or do you think these people are taking to the streets, supporting a General Strike just for the hell of it? Decades of progress for ordinary people are being taken away from them, because the elites lined their own pockets on the backs of working people and they are angry. And rightfully so. Irregardless of Peak Oil, which is debatable, we continue to pollute the entire planet with outdated hydrocarbons

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