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December 12, 2011 by
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 Deseret News |
Overseas visitors, rebounding Panhandle spur gains in Florida tourism numbers … Washington Post The billion industry experienced modest growth this year, and officials expect a similar bump in 2012 as the nation's economy continues to improve and the BP oil spill that fouled the shores of Gulf Coast states last year becomes a more distant … 84% of Florida Voters Support Bill to Spend BP Fines on Gulf RestorationSacramento Bee 84% of Florida Voters Support Bill to Spend BP Fines on Gulf RestorationPR Newswire (press release) Tea partiers and liberals agree: BP fines should go to Gulf recoveryOrlando Sentinel (blog)
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Tags: FloridaGainsNumbersoverseasPanhandlePostreboundingspurtourismvisitorsWashington
Posted on
December 12, 2011 by
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 Wink News |
84% of Florida Voters Support Bill to Spend BP Fines on Gulf Restoration Sacramento Bee "The reason is simple: 98 percent of the voters in this poll believe a healthy Gulf ecosystem is important to the state's economy." Duke University also released a report last Monday concluding the Gulf oil spill fines could kick start the launch of a … 84% of Florida Voters Support Bill to Spend BP Fines on Gulf RestorationPR Newswire (press release) Keep Gulf funding on courseDaytona Beach News-Journal 84% of Florida Voters Support Bill to Spend BP Fines on Gulf RestorationMarketWatch (press release)
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Tags: billfinesFloridaGulfRestorationSacramentospendSupportVoters
Posted on
December 11, 2011 by
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Matt Reed: BP fines should aid coasts, not congressional spending Florida Today The RESTORE Act would ensure that at least 80 percent of the fine money paid by BP for the Deepwater Horizon disaster will go to five Gulf states affected by the oil spill, including Florida. Most of that, about billion, would pay for a massive, … Lawmakers question BP fines billDaily Comet Congress, get the facts on Gulf Coast and the oil spill: An Conservation Report: Will the Gulf Lose the Oil Spill Fines?Field and Stream (blog) Spatial News (press release) all 16 news articles »
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Tags: coastsCongressionalfinesFloridaMattReedshouldSpendingToday
Posted on
November 12, 2011 by
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Gulf restoration briefing to be held Nov. 16 Florida Independent According to its weebsite, CatVest “offers pre-disaster risk financing to manage and transfer the risks of large-scale oil, gas and chemical spill risks from industry to the capital markets using instruments such as catastrophe bonds and …
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Tags: briefingFloridaGulfheldindependentNov.Restoration
Posted on
November 08, 2011 by
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Oil drilling in Cuban waters stirs unease in Florida The Republic Still, the Deepwater Horizon spill in the northern Gulf of Mexico was a wakeup call to deepwater drilling's inherent risks, said Whittle, with the Environmental Defense Fund. With friendlier countries, such as Mexico and Canada, the US has detailed … Front & Center: Former governor & senator Bob Graham on Cuba's offshore …Orlando Sentinel
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Tags: CubanDrillingFloridaRepublicStirsuneasewaters
Posted on
October 15, 2011 by
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 National Geographic |
Deepwater Horizon Spill Cost to Florida at Million — and Rising Sunshine State News Rick Scott and the attorney general's office agreed that a claim would be preferable to joining a multistate lawsuit filed in New Orleans against Transocean Ltd., the owners of the Deepwater Horizon rig. A federal joint task force of the Bureau of … History-making litigation: Deepwater Horizon cases flood Gulf Coast (blog) The Fragile State of Our EnvironmentNational Geographic No Liability in Effort to Put Out Oil Rig FireCourthouse News Service San Francisco Chronicle –Economic Times –Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) all 403 news articles »
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Tags: costDeepwaterFloridaHorizonMillionNewsrisingspillstateSunshine
Posted on
October 11, 2011 by
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 FuelFix |
Florida Seeks Outside Counsel for Possible BP Lawsuit Sunshine State News On Friday, Florida's Revenue Estimating Conference — a multi-agency board of state economists — will meet in Tallahassee to discuss the economic impact on Florida of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In April, Gov. Rick Scott and the attorney … USCG: Deepwater Horizon Is NOT Source Of Gulf Oil SheenGCaptain (press release) Coast Guard: Sunken rig is not the source of the Gulf sheenFuelFix (blog) Gulf of Mexico oil spill to be front and center at Daily Comet –The Daily Princetonian all 9 news articles »
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Tags: CounselFloridalawsuitNewsOutsidepossible'seeksstateSunshine
Posted on
July 25, 2011 by
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Blowout Backlash Florida Sportsman Magazine A network of field reporters and editors at is committed to providing updates on the impacts of the oil spill on recreational fishing. We're also monitoring fishing seasons, including Gulf of Mexico red snapper, to potentially … Market watch: BP interims set to hit .9bn after oil spill crisisScotland on Sunday
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Tags: backlashblowoutFloridaMagazineSportsman
Posted on
July 21, 2011 by
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 National Science Foundation (press release) |
WW2-era sunken ships leaking oil in Florida, elsewhere Imagine last summer's Deepwater Horizon oil spill happening in slow motion, millions of gallons of oil fouling beaches and fishing grounds over decades instead of months. That's the kind of long-term disaster … Toxicologists Find Deepwater Horizon Crude Less Toxic to Bird Eggs After …Newswise (press release) New Study of Gulf Oil Spill Details the Plume's Chemical Makeup, Helping …Popular Science It's Time We Take the Pulse of the GulfHuffington Post Facing South –The Baptist Message –EurekAlert (press release) all 47 news articles »
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Tags: elsewhereFloridaLeakingShipsSunkenTbo.comWW2era
Posted on
July 06, 2011 by
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Florida launches website touting safety of Gulf seafood Palm Beach Post In April 2010, BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico releasing millions of gallons of oil into the ocean. "Many consumers still have the misperception that Florida seafood was adversely affected by the oil spill," Agriculture …
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Tags: BeachFloridaGulflaunchesPalmPostSafetySeafoodtoutingwebsite