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November 08, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Legislative auditor finds Shaw overbilled La. in sand berm work during BP oil … The Republic Last December, a presidential commission set up to investigate the BP oil spill called the project "underwhelmingly effective, overwhelmingly expensive." BP PLC gave Louisiana the money to build the berms. The state agency overseeing the berm project, … Audit finds Shaw overbilled for sand berms after Gulf oil spillBayoubuzz
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Tags: auditorbermduringfindsLEGISLATIVEoverbilledRepublicSandShawWork
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November 08, 2011 by
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Audit finds Shaw overbilled for sand berms after Gulf oil spill Last December, a presidential commission set up to investigate the BP oil spill called the project "underwhelmingly effective, overwhelmingly expensive." The state agency overseeing the berm project, the Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration, … Audit finds Shaw overbilled for sand bermsAnchorage Daily News
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Tags: afterauditbermsfindsGulfNOLA.comoverbilledSandShawspill
Posted on
November 02, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Post-moratorium, new finds in the Gulf Houma Courier “In light of the April 20, 2010, Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill, which took 11 lives and released almost 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, this balancing takes on new meaning.” In May 2010, as the Macondo well … Regulators Extend 1400 Deepwater Leases in Gulf of MexicoThe Maritime Executive BP wins permission to drill in the deepwater Gulf of MexicoBizmology BSEE extends most gulf deepwater leases disrupted by moratoriumOil & Gas Journal Upstream Online –GCaptain (press release) –The Hill (blog) all 41 news articles »
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Tags: CourierfindsGulfHoumaPostmoratorium
Posted on
September 15, 2011 by
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 International Business Times |
CORRECT: Chevron Moccasin Oil Discovery Adds To List Of Big Finds Wall Street Journal California-based Chevron and other producers had to suspend drilling activity last summer, after the US government imposed a drilling moratorium in reaction to the oil spill. Companies started receiving drilling permits in late February. … DJ UPDATE: BP In Fresh Gulf Of Mexico Oil FindMiddle East North Africa Financial Network
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Tags: addsChevronCorrectDiscoveryfindsJournallistMoccasinStreetWall
Posted on
September 15, 2011 by
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 ABC News |
BP, contractors violated safety rules, US inquiry finds Los Angeles Times The report was the result of a joint investigation set up about a week after explosions ripped through the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, killing 11 men and spewing nearly 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The two agencies each did a … Report Rips Firms, OversightWall Street Journal BP's cost cuts contributed to oil spill disaster, federal probe findsWashington Post Report details gulf well failuresBoston Globe Houston Chronicle –The Guardian –Bloomberg all 1,430 news articles »
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Tags: AngelescontractorsfindsInquiryRulesSafetyTimesviolated
Posted on
August 01, 2011 by
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Texas Tech toxicologist finds Deepwater Horizon crude less toxic to birds … To answer his question, he studied how crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill affected mallard duck eggs. He found only 8 to 9 percent coverage on the shells of fertilized mallard duck eggs resulted in a 50 percent mortality rate. …
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Tags: birdscrudeDeepwaterfindsHorizonlessLubbockOnline.comTechTexastoxictoxicologist
Posted on
June 08, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Exxon Finds Biggest Oil Field in Gulf of Mexico Since 1999 San Francisco Chronicle Exploratory drilling began in 2009 at the prospect and the company had finished two wells when a record oil spill from BP Plc's Macondo well last year prompted a US moratorium on deep- water exploration. Exxon confirmed the find with a third well it … Exxon Announces Major Oil Finds In US GulfWall Street Journal
all 166 news articles »
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Tags: 1999BiggestChronicleExxonFieldfindsFranciscoGulfMexicoSince
Posted on
June 08, 2011 by
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Exxon Announces Major Oil Finds In US Gulf Wall Street Journal A third discovery was made in the same block of the Keathley Canyon area of the US Gulf after the company drilled its first exploration well in the region since the lifting of the nine-month US moratorium following the Deepwater Horizon disaster. … Exxon Announces Major Oil Finds In US GulfNASDAQ
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Tags: AnnouncesExxonfindsGulfJournalmajorStreetWall
Posted on
February 20, 2011 by
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 Kansas City Star |
Scientist finds Gulf bottom still oily, dead months after BP spill Salon By Associated Press The Justice Department on Wednesday sued BP Exploration and Production Inc. and eight other companies in the Gulf oil spill disaster in an effort to recover billions of dollars from the largest offshore spill in US history. … Bill would ease pain of heavy tax on oil spill Capping system ready for gulf oil 'No' to new drillingTimes Record Financial Times –Sydney Morning Herald –Bloomberg all 1,389 news articles »
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Tags: afterbottomDeadfindsGulfmonthsOilySalonscientistspillstill
Posted on
February 20, 2011 by
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 Kansas City Star |
Gulf Oil Spill Update: Scientist Finds Gulf Bottom Still Oily, Dead Huffington Post That program would eventually be paid for BP and other parties deemed responsible for the spill. This would be separate from an already begun restoration program that would improve all aspects of the Gulf, not just the oil spill, but has not been … According to the Obama administration's own criteria, it's time to lift the …Pajamas Media
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