Posted on
October 07, 2011 by
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 Global Adventures, LLC |
Slow return to Gulf of Mexico, Exxon says Washington has lifted its moratorium, enacted after BP's Deepwater Horizon rig caught fire and sank in April 2010, on oil and natural gas exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. The US Interior Department is restructuring its departments that oversee … Drilling down regulation Deepwater Horizon: Bacteria did help to fight oil spillGlobal Adventures, LLC Oil Rig Safety After the Deepwater Horizon AccidentEnergy Digital (press release) Ultimate Memorial –Futurity: Research News –RedOrbit all 33 news articles »
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August 25, 2011 by
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 FuelFix (blog) |
Obama Shocks Oil Industry by Cancelling Exxon Mobil and Statoil Leases This date is well before the Deepwater Horizon blowout. Julia Oil Field Location in the Gulf of Mexico. The hard facts are Exxon Mobil and Statoil of Norway (who is doing a magnificent job worldwide of petroleum discovery) partnered to lease a block in … Steffy: A new deepwater showdownHouston Chronicle
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Tags: CancellingExxonIndustryLeasesMobilObamaOilPrice.comShocksStatoil
Posted on
June 11, 2011 by
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 Palm Beach Post (blog) |
For Exxon and Noble, the Gulf's Going Good Motley Fool After more than a year of disseminating tragic news and noting the finger-pointing among companies involved in the fire and explosion aboard the Transocean (NYSE: RIG ) Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico, … Youth group earns federal recognitionDaily Comet Assessing the Gulf Coast response: A guest column by US Rep. Darrell Issa, R … FEATURE-Oil spill cleanup relies on decades-old technologyReuters Africa –Warwick Beacon –Salem-News.Com all 18 news articles »
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Tags: ExxonFoolGoingGoodGulf'sMotleyNoble
Posted on
June 09, 2011 by
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 Globe and Mail |
Exxon Find Rekindles Domestic Oil Hunt Wall Street Journal The find announced by Exxon on Wednesday—one of the largest ever in the Gulf —comes barely a year after the Deepwater Horizon drilling catastrophe, which killed 11 workers and spilled more than four million barrels of oil. But even after stricter … Exxon Discovers Huge Oil and Gas Wells in the Gulf of MexicoNewser ExxonMobil's deepwater GOM well hits pay dirtThe INDsider Exxon Reveals First Major Oil, Gas Discovery In Gulf After Moratorium LiftRTT News AFP –Fox Business all 218 news articles »
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Tags: DomesticExxonFindhuntJournalRekindlesStreetWall
Posted on
June 08, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Exxon Finds Biggest Oil Field in Gulf of Mexico Since 1999 San Francisco Chronicle Exploratory drilling began in 2009 at the prospect and the company had finished two wells when a record oil spill from BP Plc's Macondo well last year prompted a US moratorium on deep- water exploration. Exxon confirmed the find with a third well it … Exxon Announces Major Oil Finds In US GulfWall Street Journal
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Tags: 1999BiggestChronicleExxonFieldfindsFranciscoGulfMexicoSince
Posted on
June 08, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Exxon Announces Major Oil Finds In US Gulf Wall Street Journal A third discovery was made in the same block of the Keathley Canyon area of the US Gulf after the company drilled its first exploration well in the region since the lifting of the nine-month US moratorium following the Deepwater Horizon disaster. … Exxon Announces Major Oil Finds In US GulfNASDAQ
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Tags: AnnouncesExxonfindsGulfJournalmajorStreetWall
Posted on
March 25, 2011 by
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 Washington Examiner |
What we still haven't learned from the Exxon Valdez disaster Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) I sincerely hope that doesn't turn out to be the case with the Gulf oil disaster, but to date, there is not much reason for feeling optimistic that things will change all that much this time around. To date, Congress has largely turned a blind-eye … The Gulf Gets Oiled, AgainMother Jones
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Tags: blogCouncildefensedisasterExxonHaven'tlearnedNaturalResourcesstillValdez
Posted on
March 24, 2011 by
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 Fox News |
BOEMRE greenlights new drilling by Exxon Mobil, first since BP disaster Other drilling has restarted since then, but this – the contract from Exxon Mobil — is the very first rig that will drill for fresh oil in the Gulf, in the Keathley Canyon area.* Also, on Monday the BOEMRE announced the approval of three exploratory … BP Spill Raises Concern UK Drillers Don't Plan for DisasterBloomberg UK uneasy over offshore oil, gas disaster plansReuters Africa Shell deep-water plan wins OK, but challenge likelyHouston Chronicle Gulf Coast Maritime – (blog) –Jakarta Globe all 462 news articles »
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Tags: BOEMREdisasterDrillingExaminer.comExxonFirstgreenlightsMobilSince
Posted on
January 15, 2011 by
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 The Guardian |
BP probe could impact Exxon, others The report released Tuesday by the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling called for a “new, independent agency” … Foul waters, hard lessons from BP oil spillCNN International Upstream expert: Fed Deepwater report 'balanced'Houston Business Journal (blog) Oil spill commission makes its recommendations, but will Congress act?The Florida Independent Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) –Cordova Times all 2,725 news articles »
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Tags: Bizjournals.comcouldExxonimpactothersprobe
Posted on
December 04, 2010 by
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Exxon Valdez Lessons Applied in Gulf Coast Cleanup National Geographic Cleanup of the Gulf of Mexico coastal regions affected by the BP oil spill combines old fashioned 'cleaning' with scientific analysis. … National news digestSt. Louis Post-Dispatch Marathon seeks to cancel drilling rig contractHouston Chronicle
all 521 news articles »
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Tags: AppliedcleanupcoastExxonGeographicGulfLessonsNationalValdez