Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf Oil Spill: Rick Steiner Got BP Disaster Right From The Beginning, Warns … – Huffington Post (blog) 1

Posted on August 25, 2010 by bp complaints

Sydney Morning Herald

Gulf Oil Spill: Rick Steiner Got BP Disaster Right From The Beginning, Warns
Huffington Post (blog)
Similarly, for the Gulf as a whole, you can't take the oil out, but you can take some of the steps to heal it that were needed even before the spill.
How reporters mangle science on Gulf oilCNN
Shell Pushes To Drill In Arctic, Faces Spill-Response QuestionsWall Street Journal
Gulf oil spill jitters: a false fish kill alarmLos Angeles Times (blog)
Examiner.com –Christian Science Monitor –Carolinian (subscription)
all 2,053 news articles »

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Catholic Charities USA President Participates in Gulf Coast Oil Spill Disaster … – PR Newswire (press release) 2

Posted on August 24, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Post

Catholic Charities USA President Participates in Gulf Coast Oil Spill Disaster
PR Newswire (press release)
Since the Oil Spill Disaster in April 2010, Catholic Charities USA's disaster response team has been on the ground conducting needs assessments,
Feinberg Criticized for Spill-Compensation TermsWall Street Journal
Oil Spill Claims Czar Feinberg Blasted on First Day of Overseeing BP PaymentsDailyFinance
Gulf spill claims: Take money now, or chances later?Los Angeles Times
The Hill (blog) –al.com (blog) –msnbc.com
all 1,165 news articles »

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The federal role in a disaster – The Franklin Sun 0

Posted on August 23, 2010 by bp complaints


The federal role in a disaster
The Franklin Sun
Give the feds a disaster and they can always make it worse. The Coast Guard keeping barges needed to clean oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico docked while
BP oil spill disaster could end up working in favor of coastal restorationNOLA.com

all 2 news articles »

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Gulf oil disaster: How bad is it? – WWLP 22News 1

Posted on August 21, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

Gulf oil disaster: How bad is it?
WWLP 22News
BERKSHIRES (WWLP) – BP officials are preparing to replace the equipment that caused the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
Gulf oil spill: Why raise the faulty blowout preventer? It's evidence.Christian Science Monitor
Gulf oil spill: Most of the oil remainsLos Angeles Times (blog)
Politics, Not Science, Drove White House to Release Rosy Gulf Oil ReportBig Government (blog)
Inter Press Service –StandardNet –Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)
all 2,120 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Gulf oil disaster: How bad is it? – WWLP 22News 0

Posted on August 21, 2010 by bp complaints

The Hindu

Gulf oil disaster: How bad is it?
WWLP 22News
BERKSHIRES (WWLP) – BP officials are preparing to replace the equipment that caused the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.
Gulf oil spill: Why raise the faulty blowout preventer? It's evidence.Christian Science Monitor
Gulf oil spill: Most of the oil remainsLos Angeles Times (blog)
Politics, Not Science, Drove White House to Release Rosy Gulf Oil ReportBig Government (blog)
Inter Press Service –StandardNet –Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)
all 2,120 news articles »

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Back when 50 Million Gallons Was A Disaster – Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) 0

Posted on August 19, 2010 by bp complaints

Mother Jones

Back when 50 Million Gallons Was A Disaster
Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)
We know now that the BP disaster ultimately unleashed 209 million gallons of oil into the Gulf over 100 days, resulting in a shocking 19 Exxon Valdez size
Sylvia Earle on the Gulf Disaster and Saving the Seas (Podcast)Treehugger
Gulf Oil Spill: Full NOAA Report On Amount Of Oil In Gulf Won't Be Released Huffington Post (blog)
Dispersants in Gulf concern Alaskan residents after Exxon ValdezWWL
Turnagain Times
all 7 news articles »

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EDITORIAL: Big Oil faces new rules after disaster – istockAnalyst.com (press release) 0

Posted on August 19, 2010 by bp complaints


EDITORIAL: Big Oil faces new rules after disaster
istockAnalyst.com (press release)
Would the Deepwater Horizon have been dangerous if the federal Minerals Management Service hadn't been lip-locked with the oil companies it was supposed to
Interior tightens drilling oversightGovExec.com
Deep-water drilling rules get tougherHouston Chronicle
Obama's new offshore oil drilling rules: too many loopholes?Christian Science Monitor
TIME (blog) –The Associated Press –The Virginian-Pilot
all 811 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Almost 80% of the oil from Deepwater Horizon disaster remains in the Gulf – Creative Loafing Tampa (blog) 0

Posted on August 18, 2010 by bp complaints

New York Times (blog)

Almost 80% of the oil from Deepwater Horizon disaster remains in the Gulf
Creative Loafing Tampa (blog)
Georgia that was released yesterday stated that almost 80% of the oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster remains in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Deepwater Horizon: 'residual' vs 'remaining'Nature.com (blog)
Scientists refute US report, say Gulf oil still widespreadSeattle Times
Up to 79% of spilled oil still in gulf, scientists sayPalm Beach Post
USA Today –Christian Science Monitor –Voice of America
all 2,665 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Mexico eyes deeper oil drilling in shadow of Gulf disaster – AFP 2

Posted on August 18, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Mexico eyes deeper oil drilling in shadow of Gulf disaster
But the Deepwater Horizon blowout proved that systems do fail. "If there's something that we can learn from the BP spill, I think it is basically that there
Obama's new offshore oil drilling rules: too many loopholes?Christian Science Monitor
Deep-water drilling rules get tougherHouston Chronicle
Stronger drilling oversight overdueThe Virginian-Pilot
Talk Radio News Service –Grist Magazine –TIME (blog)
all 792 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Gulf oil disaster enters final phase. – Nowt News 0

Posted on August 17, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Gulf oil disaster enters final phase.
Nowt News
As the tropical storm moved ashore and Gulf of Mexico weather improved over the weekend, BP officials announced they would resume drilling “as soon as
Gulf oil spill job 'not finished'Sydney Morning Herald
President Obama won't take shirt off in front of cameras to swim in oil New York Daily News
Obama takes plunge in FloridaThe Australian
Chicago Sun-Times (blog) –The Star-Ledger – NJ.com (blog) –Wirl News Network
all 2,552 news articles »

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