Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf oil spill: BP report spreads blame for Deepwater Horizon disaster – Los Angeles Times (blog) 2

Posted on September 08, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf oil spill: BP report spreads blame for Deepwater Horizon disaster
Los Angeles Times (blog)
The oil company, releasing its long-awaited internal investigation into the gulf disaster Wednesday, accepted a share of the responsibility but also took
Highlights of the BP report on causes of the Gulf oil disasterCNN (blog)
BP: 'Sequence of failures' caused Gulf oil spillUSA Today
BP Says "Multiple Companies" Responsible for Gulf Oil DisasterDailyFinance
NPR –Trade Only Today –Bloomberg
all 4,838 news articles »

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Highlights of the BP report on causes of the Gulf oil disaster – CNN (blog) 0

Posted on September 08, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Post

Highlights of the BP report on causes of the Gulf oil disaster
CNN (blog)
[Updated at 11:33 am] BP released the findings of its internal investigation Wednesday into the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. Some highlights from the report
BP: Sequence of failures caused Gulf oil spillUSA Today
BP Says "Multiple Companies" Responsible for Gulf Oil DisasterDailyFinance
BP Issues Report On Gulf Oil Spill DisasterNPR
Trade Only Today –Bloomberg –Voice of America
all 4,689 news articles »

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BP report spreads blame in Gulf oil disaster – Trade Only Today 1

Posted on September 08, 2010 by bp complaints


BP report spreads blame in Gulf oil disaster
Trade Only Today
BP said today that a series of failures involving a number of companies ultimately led to the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. "No single factor caused
Highlights of the BP report on causes of the Gulf oil disasterCNN (blog)
BP Says "Multiple Companies" Responsible for Gulf Oil DisasterDailyFinance
BP Issues Report On Gulf Oil Spill DisasterNPR
Bloomberg –Voice of America –USA Today
all 4,436 news articles »

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BP Says “Multiple Companies” Responsible for Gulf Oil Disaster – DailyFinance 0

Posted on September 08, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian (blog)

BP Says "Multiple Companies" Responsible for Gulf Oil Disaster
A report by BP (BP) says that "multiple companies and work teams" are responsible for the Gulf oil disaster that killed 11 workers and spewed out millions
BP Issues Report On Gulf Oil Spill DisasterNPR
BP: Multiple Companies to Blame for Gulf Oil SpillVoice of America
BP to release Gulf oil spill reportAljazeera.net
NECN –ICIS (subscription) –Politics Daily (blog)
all 3,928 news articles »

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BP report on Gulf oil disaster to accept ‘some blame’ – AFP 1

Posted on September 08, 2010 by bp complaints


BP report on Gulf oil disaster to accept 'some blame'
LONDON — An internal BP inquiry due on Wednesday into what caused the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is expected to accept that BP staff made mistakes before the
BP To Report On Gulf Oil Spill DisasterNPR
All eyes on BP report on Gulf oil spill disasterThe Associated Press
BP to release results of investigation into oil spill disasterCNN
Los Angeles Times (blog) –Texas Insider –Orlando Business Journal
all 3,249 news articles »

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All eyes on BP report on Gulf oil spill disaster – The Associated Press 0

Posted on September 08, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

All eyes on BP report on Gulf oil spill disaster
The Associated Press
it plans to release results of its internal investigation into the rig explosion that killed 11 workers and led to the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Gulf oil spill: Oxygen dropped near oil plumesLos Angeles Times (blog)
BP report on Gulf oil disaster to accept 'some blame'AFP
BP to release results of investigation into oil spill disasterCNN
Houston Chronicle –BusinessWeek –Famuan
all 3,248 news articles »

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BP to release investigation into oil rig disaster – CNN 1

Posted on September 08, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

BP to release investigation into oil rig disaster
By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) — BP is on Wednesday expected to release findings of an internal investigation into the Gulf oil disaster, the oil giant said.
Gulf oil spill: Oxygen dropped near oil plumesLos Angeles Times (blog)
Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling in the Gulf of MexicoTexas Insider
BP ready to reveal Gulf oil spill causeOrlando Business Journal
CBS News –Voice of America –KETK
all 2,975 news articles »

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Collapsing Gulf marsh dwarfs oil spill as ecological disaster – Austin American-Statesman 0

Posted on September 08, 2010 by bp complaints

Nanaimo Daily News

Collapsing Gulf marsh dwarfs oil spill as ecological disaster
Austin American-Statesman
Erosion has already exposed high-pressure pipelines to storms and marine traffic, causing oil spills and accidents. Several factors are at play in the
Oil Spill undermines human health in US Gulf RegionThe Canadian (blog)

all 14 news articles »

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The Gulf Disaster Will Keep Destroying Lives For Years to Come — Is There … – AlterNet 0

Posted on September 06, 2010 by bp complaints

The Gulf Disaster Will Keep Destroying Lives For Years to Come — Is There
The article, titled “Health Effects of the Gulf Oil Spill,” cautions that inhalation and dermal contact with some of the crude's chemicals could result in

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BP confirms cost of cleaning up disaster has risen to $8bn – Herald Scotland 0

Posted on September 04, 2010 by bp complaints

BBC News (blog)

BP confirms cost of cleaning up disaster has risen to bn
Herald Scotland
BP has said the cost of cleaning up its Gulf of Mexico oil spill has risen to bn (£5.2bn) – an increase of more than bn in the last month alone.
What now for Gulf? Fire complicates drill debateThe Associated Press
US offshore oil fire may delay lift of drill banReuters
More Democrats call for oil drilling investigationPolitico
Tbo.com –The CMC Forum –Helium
all 1,405 news articles »

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