Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Six months later, what did we learn from the oil disaster in the Gulf? – CNN International 0

Posted on October 19, 2010 by bp complaints


Six months later, what did we learn from the oil disaster in the Gulf?
CNN International
"We really were facing a situation that we had not faced before," he said of the Gulf spill, which was unprecedented both in the amount of oil that was
BP to base bonuses on safetyCNNMoney
Oil spill worsened Gulf ecological health…Home foreclosures to resume9&10 News
UC Santa Cruz scientist finds the silver lining in the Gulf oil spill disasterSan Jose Mercury News
KKTV 11 News –The Associated Press
all 637 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Six months later, what did we learn from the oil disaster in the Gulf? – CNN 0

Posted on October 19, 2010 by bp complaints

al.com (blog)

Six months later, what did we learn from the oil disaster in the Gulf?
Six months after a BP-owned offshore oil rig exploded, setting off a violent leak 5000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, there is still much
Gulf Oil Rescuers Return to Bay Area HomeNBC Bay Area
Gulf moratorium is over but drilling has to waitTMCnet
Gulf Oil Spill Dispersant Rally: Clean GulfSuite101.com
Metro Canada – Ottawa –Surfbirds News –my.hsj.org
all 621 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Six months later, what did we learn from the oil disaster in the Gulf? – CNN 0

Posted on October 19, 2010 by bp complaints

al.com (blog)

Six months later, what did we learn from the oil disaster in the Gulf?
Six months after a BP-owned offshore oil rig exploded, setting off a violent leak 5000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, there is still much
Gulf Oil Rescuers Return to Bay Area HomeNBC Bay Area
Gulf moratorium is over but drilling has to waitTMCnet
Gulf Oil Spill Dispersant Rally: Clean GulfSuite101.com
Metro Canada – Ottawa –Surfbirds News –my.hsj.org
all 621 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

BP to link pay to safety after Gulf oil disaster – The Guardian 0

Posted on October 19, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

BP to link pay to safety after Gulf oil disaster
The Guardian
BP is to link employees' pay to improvements in safety standards in the fourth quarter in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico disaster. Bob Dudley, the oil
UC Santa Cruz scientist finds the silver lining in the Gulf oil spill disasterSan Jose Mercury News
SACE Launches New Video: Southern Solutions to Gulf Oil DrillingClean Energy News (blog)
Gulf Oil Spill Decimated Tuna PopulationsSoftpedia
Discovery News –CNN International –Houston Chronicle
all 364 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Where is Congress 6 months after the BP Gulf disaster?? – Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) 0

Posted on October 19, 2010 by bp complaints


Where is Congress 6 months after the BP Gulf disaster??
Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)
Wednesday marks the six-month “anniversary” of the world's largest peacetime oil spill, the result of the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon rig
BP's Gulf Of Mexico Head Survives Reshuffle-EmailWall Street Journal
Grant targets oil spill job victimsThe News Herald
Time right to resume deepwater drillingCNN International
San Antonio Express –Discovery News –Clean Energy News (blog)
all 250 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

UC Santa Cruz scientist finds the silver lining in the Gulf oil spill disaster – San Jose Mercury News 0

Posted on October 18, 2010 by bp complaints


UC Santa Cruz scientist finds the silver lining in the Gulf oil spill disaster
San Jose Mercury News
Six months after the rig explosion that led to the largest offshore oil spill in US history, damage to the Gulf of Mexico can be measured more in increments
SACE Launches New Video: Southern Solutions to Gulf Oil DrillingClean Energy News (blog)
Gulf Oil Spill Decimated Tuna PopulationsSoftpedia
Ocean Researchers Left on the DocksDiscovery News
CNN International –Wall Street Journal –Christian Science Monitor
all 171 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

(10/2010) Russian Government Linked to Gulf Oil Disaster – Basil & Spice 0

Posted on October 18, 2010 by bp complaints

Basil & Spice

(10/2010) Russian Government Linked to Gulf Oil Disaster
Basil & Spice
(22) BP, unable to stop the environmental and political fallout from the Gulf oil disaster, “pulled out of a deal to buy a huge gas field in eastern Siberia

and more »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

UC Santa Cruz scientist finds the silver lining in the Gulf oil spill disaster – Santa Cruz Sentinel 1

Posted on October 18, 2010 by bp complaints

Mississippi Press (blog)

UC Santa Cruz scientist finds the silver lining in the Gulf oil spill disaster
Santa Cruz Sentinel
SANTA CRUZ — When the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in April, millions of barrels of oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico,
Gulf Oil Rescuers Return to Bay Area HomeNBC Bay Area
Gulf moratorium is over but drilling has to waitTMCnet
Gulf Oil Spill Dispersant Rally: Clean GulfSuite101.com
Metro Canada – Ottawa –Surfbirds News –Radio New Zealand
all 626 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

BP oil disaster — 6 lessons learned – Sun-Sentinel 0

Posted on October 17, 2010 by bp complaints

MyFox Phoenix

BP oil disaster — 6 lessons learned
April 21: Fire boats battle a fire at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana. The rig sank the next day.
Gulf moratorium is over but drilling has to waitTMCnet
Six lessons we learned 6 months after the spillOrlando Sentinel
Gulf of Mexico six-month checkupCNN (blog)
Jackson Clarion Ledger –PR-USA.net (press release) –TucsonSentinel.com
all 200 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

On Sixth-Month Anniversary of BP Disaster, Reform Movement Commits to Lead … – Religious Action Center (press release) 0

Posted on October 14, 2010 by bp complaints

ABC Action News

On Sixth-Month Anniversary of BP Disaster, Reform Movement Commits to Lead
Religious Action Center (press release)
Together, we continue to call on our government and the oil industry to respond to the immediate needs of those suffering in the Gulf and, crucially,
BP Cans Cleanup Workers As More Oil Washes UpMother Jones (blog)
Project documents overlooked effects on health, environment in Gulf CoastFree Speech Radio News
Oil Spill's Impact on Gulf Travel Could Last 3 YearsHome and Away (registration)
The Associated Press
all 186 news articles »

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