Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf of Mexico BP Disaster Immortalised in Oil Icon – Marketwire (press release) 4

Posted on October 25, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Gulf of Mexico BP Disaster Immortalised in Oil Icon
Marketwire (press release)
The ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is being immortalised in "Oil & Water Do Not Mix" a limited edition of original iconic works of art made using
Six months of the Gulf oil disasterWorld Socialist Web Site
BP refuses to quit US over oil disasterAFP
BP Sells Gulf of Mexico Oil Fields for 0 MillionThe Epoch Times
The Guardian –Commodity Surge (blog)
all 492 news articles »

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BP refuses to quit US over oil disaster – AFP 0

Posted on October 25, 2010 by bp complaints


BP refuses to quit US over oil disaster
LONDON — BP will not quit the United States over the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster that had "threatened the very existence" of the energy giant, its new
Six months of the Gulf oil disasterWorld Socialist Web Site
BP sells four Gulf of Mexico oil fieldsThe Guardian
BP CEO slams media, rivals for boosting spill fearsReuters
DailyFinance –CanadianBusiness.com –National Journal
all 305 news articles »

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Six months of the Gulf oil disaster – World Socialist Web Site 2

Posted on October 25, 2010 by bp complaints

WFN: World Fishing Network

Six months of the Gulf oil disaster
World Socialist Web Site
Before BP's Macondo well was finally sealed in September, five months into the disaster, 185 million gallons of oil were spilled into the Gulf of Mexico.
Vast Stretches Of Oil Still Contaminate The GulfThink Progress
So much for the oil spill's impactMiamiHerald.com
America declared that ninety six percent of the Gulf of Mexico is open to fishingTopNews United States
Daily Beast –Wall Street Journal –RedOrbit
all 34 news articles »

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Beach Grass makes donation for Gulf Oil Disaster Relief – PRLog.Org (press release) 0

Posted on October 24, 2010 by bp complaints

Beach Grass makes donation for Gulf Oil Disaster Relief
PRLog.Org (press release)
That's the final amount collected by Beach Grass gift shop of Kennebunkport, Maine in a fundraiser for the Gulf Oil Disaster. Customers of Beach Grass

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Casualty Catastrophe Implications of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Release Disaster – GC Capital Ideas 0

Posted on October 23, 2010 by bp complaints

GC Capital Ideas

Casualty Catastrophe Implications of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Release Disaster
GC Capital Ideas
There has been no shortage of media coverage and discussion of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and attendant insurance implications.

deepwater horizon – Google News

The BP Gulf Oil Disaster – Audubon Magazine 0

Posted on October 21, 2010 by bp complaints

Audubon Magazine

The BP Gulf Oil Disaster
Audubon Magazine
When the Gulf oil spill threatened birds and beaches, tens of thousands of citizens signed up to lend a hand. Five months later, they're still working hard.
Audubon ViewAudubon Magazine
Editor's NoteAudubon Magazine
33 endangered, threatened sea turtles released into Gulf watersCNN International
all 29 news articles »

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Sierra Club: On 6 Month Anniversary of BP Disaster, Solutions Blocked by Big Oil – eNews Park Forest 0

Posted on October 20, 2010 by bp complaints

Sierra Club: On 6 Month Anniversary of BP Disaster, Solutions Blocked by Big Oil
eNews Park Forest
Thanks to Big Oil's influence on Congress and elections, we still haven't seen the measures we need to help the Gulf Coast recover.

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Six Months After The Leak, We Survey The Deepwater Horizon Disaster Up Close – Popular Science 0

Posted on October 20, 2010 by bp complaints


Six Months After The Leak, We Survey The Deepwater Horizon Disaster Up Close
Popular Science
A helicopter picked me up near Gulfport, Mississippi, and transported me directly onto the ship just 20 miles north of Deepwater Horizon ground zero.
Researchers check Gulf oil spill for coral killersmsnbc.com
Day of Mourning – The 6-month Anniversary of Gulf Oil SpillunEARTHED, from Earthjustice (blog)
Six months after BP oil spill, Gulf tourism is on the mendUSA Today
National Underwriter Property And Casualty Insurance News –NPR –Huffington Post
all 1,390 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

The Least Important Worst Disaster in History – Vanity Fair 0

Posted on October 20, 2010 by bp complaints


The Least Important Worst Disaster in History
Vanity Fair
Back in the summer, it was impossible to escape the Gulf oil spill. Images of dark slicks spreading across the ocean, tar balls piling up
Gulf oil spill: Six-month milestone brings disaster back in focusLos Angeles Times (blog)
Gulf Oil Spill 6 Months Later: The Most Dramatic PhotosHuffington Post
'Obama's Katrina' Turned Out Not To BeNPR (blog)
Tampabay.com –San Jose Mercury News –The Summit
all 1,274 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Six-month milestone brings disaster back in focus – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on October 19, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Gulf oil spill: Six-month milestone brings disaster back in focus
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Wednesday marks the six-month milestone of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which killed 11 men and was responsible for the worst offshore oil spill in US
The Gulf of Mexico drilling moratorium is lifted — but is anyone happy?Bizmology
Lessons learned from the BP oil spillBaltimore Sun
Officials gather in Tampa, talk about lessons learned from gulf oil spillTampabay.com
Gulf Coast Maritime –Newswise (press release) –ClaimsJournal.com
all 928 news articles »

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