Posted on
November 02, 2011 by
bp complaints |
House Republicans block attempt by Democrats to subpoena Gulf spill CEOs The Hill (blog) “Within a twenty four hour period, Republicans will vote to protect oil CEOs from testifying on a multi-billion dollar disaster where 11 men died, and then turn around and attack the White House and clean energy with politically-motivated onslaughts … 02/11/2011Swiss Transocean posts mn loss in 3rd quarterExpatica Switzerland Gulf of Mexico oil spill subpoena effort blockedBayoubuzz
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Tags: AttemptblockblogCEO'sDemocratsGulfHillHouseRepublicansspillsubpoena
Posted on
May 19, 2011 by
bp complaints
 USA Today |
Senate Democrats: OK for Cuba to drill in Gulf but not U.S. It also would require lease sales off the coasts of Alaska and Virginia that the Interior Department had canceled following last year's oil spill. In addition, it would require the Interior Department to approve or deny offshore drilling permit … Senate blocks GOP bid to speed offshore drillingPalm Beach Post Senate blocks bill repealing B in oil tax breaksBusinessWeek
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Tags: CubaDemocratsDrillExaminer.comGulfSenateU.S.
Posted on
April 13, 2011 by
bp complaints
 CBS News |
Democrats criticize Scott for failing to join lawsuit in BP oil spill Naples Daily News In less than a week – April 20 – the United States will recognize the one-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion that killed 11 workers, and spewed over 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. … Expert sources on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill one-year anniversaryUC Davis Oil spill claims a bonanza for Deepwater Horizon one year later: No Keys oil, but uncertainty remainsKeysNet –The Epoch Times –My New Orleans all 803 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: criticizeDailyDemocratsfailingjoinlawsuitNaplesNewsScottspill
Posted on
April 07, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Daily Trojan Online |
Democrats reject Republican drilling plans The Houston Chronicle reports that, although regulators have imposed safety and environmental provisions in the wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon rig disaster, other proposals concerning spill liability, well design standards and other improvements … Democrats blast Republicans' Gulf drilling billsHouston Chronicle Democrats decry GOP permitting legislation as blind to Deepwater Horizon: oil impacts in Louisiana, science interest for California89.3 KPCC (blog) Orlando Sentinel (blog) –Huffington Post (blog) – (press release) all 23 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: Bizjournals.comDemocratsDrillingPlansrejectRepublican
Posted on
April 07, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Politico |
Democrats say Republicans 'in denial' about Gulf oil disaster Houston Chronicle The legislative package also would require the government to hold oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico even if it is still working on a post-spill environmental study of the region that regulators say is obligated by federal law. … "Black Carpet" Events to Benefit Victims of Gulf Oil Disaster One Year After …PR Newswire (press release) Health Impacts of Gulf Oil Spill Still UnknownMedPage Today Transocean execs donate safety bonus after firestorm of criticismFavStocks Press and Journal –WJTV – all 387 news articles »
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Tags: aboutChronicleDemocratsdenialdisasterGulfHoustonRepublicans
Posted on
August 04, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Moderate Senate Democrats Seek Compromise for Gulf Spill Bill New York Times "Democrats can't and shouldn't vote for a Republican bill that doesn't hold BP accountable for the enormous amount of damage caused by the Gulf oil spill," … Senate Democrats hold off on Gulf oil spill BP pumps mud into well as Senate shelves drilling billLos Angeles Times Senate Democrats delay vote on oil spill, energy Newsweek (blog) –The Guardian –AFP all 953 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: billCompromiseDemocratsGulfModerateseekSenatespillTimesYork
Posted on
August 04, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Moderate Senate Democrats Seek Compromise for Gulf Spill Bill New York Times "Democrats can't and shouldn't vote for a Republican bill that doesn't hold BP accountable for the enormous amount of damage caused by the Gulf oil spill," … Senate Democrats hold off on Gulf oil spill BP pumps mud into well as Senate shelves drilling billLos Angeles Times Senate Democrats delay vote on oil spill, energy Newsweek (blog) –The Guardian –AFP all 953 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: billCompromiseDemocratsGulfModerateseekSenatespillTimesYork
Posted on
August 04, 2010 by
bp complaints
Senate Democrats hold off on Gulf oil spill legislation WASHINGTON — Despite months of public outrage over the massive BP oil spill, frustrated Democratic Senate leaders … Senate Democrats punt on spill billPolitico Senate Pulls the Plug on Drilling ReformsNewsweek (blog) Oil Industry Pleased With Spill Bill DelayThe Washington Independent New York Times –AFP –The Associated Press all 586 news articles »
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Tags: DemocratsGulfholdLegislationMiamiHerald.comSenatespill