Posted on
February 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
Ken Feinberg's Gulf oil spill claims criteria blasted by congressional members (blog) (Press-Register, Bill Starling) MOBILE, Ala. — Ken Feinberg today heard from three angry members of the Gulf Coast congressional delegation, including US Rep. Jo Bonner, who accused the oil claims czar's spokeswoman of lying to the public. … Shelby sends Feinberg letter on claimsWALA-TV FOX10
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Posted on
January 28, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Washington Post |
Final draft of oil spill claims criteria to be released, says Ken Feinberg (blog) Kenneth Feinberg, manager of the Gulf oil spill relief fund, listens during a meeting of the Southern Governor's … BP fund chief faces critics2TheAdvocate Sen. David Vitter blasts oil spill claims czar Kenneth Feinberg over quick … Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Disaster …Trading Markets (press release) Daily Mail –Bloomberg –Orange Beach all 358 news articles »
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