Posted on
December 10, 2011 by
bp complaints (blog) |
DOJ asks court to deny Transocean move on oil spill costs Reuters UK The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig's April 20, 2010 explosion caused 11 deaths and led to the largest offshore oil spill in US history. Transocean owned the rig, while BP owned a majority of the Macondo well whose blowout led to the spill. … BP's threat to indemnify clauses shakes contract law and, indeed, business (blog)
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Tags: asksCostscourtdenymoveReutersspillTransocean
Posted on
December 09, 2011 by
bp complaints
DOJ asks court to deny Transocean move on oil spill costs Reuters The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig's April 20, 2010 explosion caused 11 deaths and led to the largest offshore oil spill in US history. Transocean owned the rig, while BP owned a majority of the Macondo well whose blowout led to the spill. … US seeks to block Transocean protection moveFinancial Times
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Tags: asksCostscourtdenymoveReutersspillTransocean
Posted on
December 09, 2011 by
bp complaints
 USA Today |
DOJ asks court to deny Transocean move on oil spill costs Reuters Africa Dec 9 (Reuters) – The US Justice Department has asked a district court to deny offshore oil drilling contractor Transocean Ltd's request to protect itself against civil penalties stemming from last year's record oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. … BP cited for 5 more alleged violations related to blown-out well that led to …Washington Post (blog) BP faces more fines over spillHouston Chronicle BP Faces New Round Of Citations For Gulf Oil (blog) – –USA Today all 321 news articles »
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Tags: AfricaasksCostscourtdenymoveReutersspillTransocean
Posted on
September 01, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Gulf Coast Maritime |
District Court Issues Key Rulings In Deepwater Horizon Litigation Gulf Coast Maritime The Deepwater Horizon was at all material times a vessel in navigation. Contrary to one defendant's arguments, the court held that clearly established law dictated that the oil rig Deepwater Horizon was a “vessel,” not a fixed platform, …
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Tags: coastcourtDeepwaterDistrictGulfHorizonIssuesLitigationMaritimeRulings
Posted on
July 19, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Louisiana Record |
District Court Dismisses Deepwater Horizon RICO Claims Gulf Coast Maritime The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana issued new orders on July 15 in the multi-district litigation spawned by the catastrophic destruction of the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in April of last year. … Anadarko must arbitrate claims against BP, says MDL judgeSoutheast Texas Record Barbier orders Anadarko-BP dispute to arbitrationThe Louisiana Record Judge Tosses Racketeering Claims vs. BP Over Oil SpillInsurance Journal
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Tags: ClaimscoastcourtDeepwaterdismissesDistrictGulfHorizonMaritimeRICO
Posted on
June 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon case The Guardian Photograph: Larry Downing/Reuters Tony Hayward, the former boss of BP, is likely to be summoned by US lawyers to give further evidence to a Texas court about last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The case, led by investors in … Newspaper Briefing, including Tony Hayward could face Texas court over …Proactive Investors UK He May Have a .1B IPO, but Tony Hayward's Comeback Won't LastBNET (blog) Hayward may be summond to Texas courtUpstream Online
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Tags: casecouldcourtDeepwaterfaceGuardianHaywardHorizonoverTexasTony
Posted on
June 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Newspaper Briefing, including Tony Hayward could face Texas court over … Proactive Investors UK Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon case: Tony Hayward, the former Boss of BP, is likely to be summoned by US lawyers to give further evidence to a Texas court about last years Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. … Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon caseThe Guardian He May Have a .1B IPO, but Tony Hayward's Comeback Won't LastBNET (blog) Hayward may be summond to Texas courtUpstream Online
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Tags: briefingcouldcourtfaceHaywardIncludinginvestorsnewspaperoverProactiveTexasTony
Posted on
June 17, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Think Progress |
Transocean's Deepwater Horizon Insurers Seek Court Opinion On Paying BP NASDAQ HOUSTON -(Dow Jones)- Transocean Ltd. (RIG) said Friday that insurers of its sunken Deepwater Horizon drilling rig have asked a federal judge to decide if BP PLC (BP, BP.LN) and other owners of the doomed … Americans Support Offshore Drilling, but Washington WaversNew York Times This Offshore Driller is Still a BargainStreetAuthority Op-Ed: Hands across the sand – to save the planet (Includes interview) Think Progress –Linex Legal (press release) (registration) all 12 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: courtDeepwaterHorizonInsurersNASDAQOpinionPayingseekTransocean's
Posted on
June 17, 2011 by
bp complaints
 FuelFix (blog) |
Judge dismisses batch of oil spill court claims AP NEW ORLEANS — A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a batch of court claims that accused BP PLC and other companies sued over the massive Gulf oil spill of violating the Clean Water Act and other environmental laws. In his ruling, US District Judge … Judge dismisses environmental law claims by third-party organizations in BP … Judge dismisses batch of oil spill court claimsThe News-Press Judge dismisses batch of oil spill court claimsAnchorage Daily News
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Tags: batchClaimscourtdismissesJudgeMiamiHerald.comspill
Posted on
June 09, 2011 by
bp complaints
 FuelFix (blog) |
Environmentalists challenge Shells Gulf plans in court FuelFix (blog) “It is as if the government regulators have learned nothing from the BP disaster,” said David Guest, an Earthjustice attorney. “Before new deep-water Gulf drilling occurs, the government must make a realistic assessment of the risk to the Gulf's …
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Tags: blogchallenge'courtEnvironmentalistsFuelFixGulfPlansShell's