Posted on
March 17, 2012 by
bp complaints |
BP oil spill trial settlement proposal could be filed in New Orleans federal … By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune The terms of a proposed .8 billion settlement between BP and private plaintiffs in the massive Gulf oil spill litigation will be filed in federal court in New Orleans by April 16, US District Judge Carl … Gulf Shores Alabama restored to beautiful dreamland after oil spill LC company helping with fix to future oil well blowoutsKPLC-TV Federal judge: filing of settlement expected by April 16 | The RepublicThe Republic BusinessWeek –Bayoubuzz all 22 news articles »
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Tags: couldFederalFiledNOLA.comOrleansproposalSettlementspilltrial
Posted on
December 06, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Austin American-Statesman |
RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other States Sacramento Bee The BP oil disaster worsened the damage to the badly degraded Mississippi River Delta wetlands, a priceless resource that "sustains the Gulf region's unique people and cultures and brings the US economy billions of dollars each year in energy, fishing, … Millions available to restore Texas Gulf Coast areaAustin American-Statesman US releases Gulf recovery roadmapUpstream Online
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Tags: coastcouldfinesGulfOpportunitiesProviderestoreSacramentostates
Posted on
December 06, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Targeting oil spill fines to ecosystem restoration could be big job generator … Oil Rig Explosion gallery (24 photos) The report was released Monday in advance of Wednesday's House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing on legislation that would direct 80 percent of the fines to the five Gulf Coast states, …
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Tags: couldEcosystemfinesgeneratorNOLA.comRestorationspillTargeting
Posted on
December 05, 2011 by
bp complaints
RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other States MarketWatch (press release) The BP oil disaster worsened the damage to the badly degraded Mississippi River Delta wetlands, a priceless resource that "sustains the Gulf region's unique people and cultures and brings the US economy billions of dollars each year in energy, fishing, … Contact Information: Alisha Johnson,, 202-564-4373 …U.S. (press release)
all 2 news articles »
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Tags: coastcouldfinesGulfMarketWatchOpportunitiespressProvideRELEASErestorestates
Posted on
November 29, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Michael Bromwich says his oil industry savvy 'could fit in a thimble' when he … Times-Picayune archive'We are expecting more, and we are yielding less,' Michael Bromwich says of federal oil industry regulation in the wake of the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. But Bromwich said his status as an outsider, not inured to the … Gulf Oil Spill: BP Faces More CitationsHuffington Post BP faces more penalties over Gulf disasterBayoubuzz More INC to be spilled on Macondo trioUpstream Online
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Tags: BromwichcouldIndustryMichaelNOLA.comsavvysaysthimble'
Posted on
November 05, 2011 by
bp complaints (blog) |
Tourism numbers could hit record 5 million one year after oil spill (blog) (Guy Busby/Press-Register) GULF SHORES, Alabama — After a 47 percent drop following the 2010 oil spill, Baldwin beach attendance are expected to hit a record 5 million visitors this year, tourism officials said Friday. “In the face of what happened … Cohesive Marketing Efforts Result in 0 Million Rebound for Alabama Beaches …MarketWatch (press release) Marketing efforts fueled by BP oil spill money lead to 0 million rebound in …The Birmingham News – (blog)
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Tags: afteral.comblogcouldMillionNumbersRecordspilltourismYear
Posted on
October 28, 2011 by
bp complaints |
BP Could Drill in Gulf Again British Petroleum's plan to drill in the Gulf of Mexico again was approved by the Obama administration. It was their first oil drilling plan approved for the Gulf since the huge oil spill the company caused in 2010. Their newly approved plan calls for … GOP contenders' 'Drill, baby, drill' attitude after Gulf spill makes sharp …Washington Post Gulf index still shows oil permits behindSlidell Sentry News Post-spill, GOP still pushes 'Drill, baby, drill'Fox News all 73 news articles »
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Tags: againCare2.comcouldDrillGulf
Posted on
August 25, 2011 by
bp complaints
BHP Billiton could take on deepwater rigs from BP The Australian The rigs have not produced oil since the Deepwater Horizon explosion in April last year, which killed 11 workers, caused a three-month oil leak and stopped all drilling in the deepwater gulf. BP's reputation was destroyed by the disaster. …
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Tags: AustralianBillitoncouldDeepwaterrigsTake
Posted on
June 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon case The Guardian Photograph: Larry Downing/Reuters Tony Hayward, the former boss of BP, is likely to be summoned by US lawyers to give further evidence to a Texas court about last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The case, led by investors in … Newspaper Briefing, including Tony Hayward could face Texas court over …Proactive Investors UK He May Have a .1B IPO, but Tony Hayward's Comeback Won't LastBNET (blog) Hayward may be summond to Texas courtUpstream Online
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Tags: casecouldcourtDeepwaterfaceGuardianHaywardHorizonoverTexasTony
Posted on
June 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Newspaper Briefing, including Tony Hayward could face Texas court over … Proactive Investors UK Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon case: Tony Hayward, the former Boss of BP, is likely to be summoned by US lawyers to give further evidence to a Texas court about last years Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. … Tony Hayward could face Texas court over Deepwater Horizon caseThe Guardian He May Have a .1B IPO, but Tony Hayward's Comeback Won't LastBNET (blog) Hayward may be summond to Texas courtUpstream Online
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Tags: briefingcouldcourtfaceHaywardIncludinginvestorsnewspaperoverProactiveTexasTony