Has BP Really Cleaned Up the Gulf Oil Spill? OnEarth Magazine Other scientists have suggested that the clash between Joye and government scientists was due to the enormity of the Gulf disaster. Scientists have no prior experience of a release of oil of this size, and over such a long period of time. …
Coast Guard says 86 percent of coastline has been cleaned up SunHerald.com KAREN NELSON/SUN HERALD Dan Brown, superintendent of Gulf Island National Seashore, left, and Ken Saunders, a senior chief petty officer with the Coast Guard, meet on the Blioxi beach Wednesday to give an update as the anniversary of the BP oil spill… Has BP really cleaned up the Gulf oil spill?The Guardian
Has BP really cleaned up the Gulf oil spill? The Guardian The Obama administration last month started issuing new permits for deepwater wells in the Gulf – the first since the BP blowout. Meanwhile, Congress has yet to act on any of the issues arising from the oil spill – from raising the liability on oil …
Tar balls still being cleaned off Grand Isle beaches NOLA.com Instead, the island got two visits within a week from President Barack Obama as he surveyed the oil spill's impact. The town began reopening sections of the …
How the Gulf oil spill can be cleaned in just one month DVICE A collection of 'bots based on the Seaswarm prototype could work tirelessly soaking up oil from the Gulf, requiring little more maintenance than tending to … Robot fleet could use 'nano paper' to soak up oilCNET (blog) MIT to debut oil-slick absorbing robotmsnbc.com Prototype Robot Swarm Could Clean Up Oil Spill in a MonthGizmodo.com (blog) Inhabitat (blog) –Mother Nature Network –SmartPlanet.com (blog) all 11 news articles »
Who does it benefit to call the Gulf oil spill cleaned up, if it is not? The INDsider I know there is enormous pressure from business owners all along the Gulf coast, who are suffering the worst economic disaster of their lives. … The Real Disaster: Media and the Regime's Phony Gulf Oil CrisisRushLimbaugh.com (subscription) Independent Toxicologists Issue Warning: Urgent Concerns Regarding FDA …PR Newswire (press release) Daily Briefing: Mon.Mother Nature Network (blog) Smithsonian –Boosh News (press release) (blog) –New York Times (blog) all 45 news articles »