Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf Coast Residents in Financial Dire Straits, Waiting for BP Claims – The Washington Independent 0

Posted on September 13, 2010 by bp complaints

al.com (blog)

Gulf Coast Residents in Financial Dire Straits, Waiting for BP Claims
The Washington Independent
For Watson and the thousands of other people who have suffered significant financial losses because of the Gulf oil spill, help isn't coming fast enough.
So who's faster at oil spill claims payments, Feinberg or BP?Press-Register – al.com (blog)

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BP Sees Oil Spill Claims Below $20 Billion: Analysts – ABC News 0

Posted on September 13, 2010 by bp complaints

New York Times

BP Sees Oil Spill Claims Below Billion: Analysts
ABC News
LONDON (Reuters) – BP believes compensation claims related to its Gulf of Mexico oil spill will be less than the billion the oil giant has put into an
The Oil Spill's Money SqueezeNew York Times
Resume the drilling and share the royaltiesSunHerald.com
Ixtoc spill still contaminates coastlines; is that northern Gulf's fate?al.com (blog)
Modern Ghana –Washington Post –Charlotte Observer
all 53 news articles »

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Louisiana and Florida lead Alabama in BP oil spill claims approved and money paid – al.com (blog) 0

Posted on September 12, 2010 by bp complaints


Louisiana and Florida lead Alabama in BP oil spill claims approved and money paid
al.com (blog)
The new data provide the first hard numbers about the Gulf Coast Claims Facility process since Feinberg took over oil spill compensation from BP PLC on Aug.
So who's faster at oil spill claims payments, Feinberg or BP?Press-Register – al.com (blog)
Have you worked processing gulf spill damage claims?CNN (blog)
Editorial: It's time to pay upPensacola News Journal
USA Today –NPR –Newsinferno.com
all 54 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

So who’s faster at oil spill claims payments, Feinberg or BP? – Press-Register – al.com (blog) 0

Posted on September 12, 2010 by bp complaints

Mississippi Press (blog)

So who's faster at oil spill claims payments, Feinberg or BP?
Press-Register – al.com (blog)
Over the first 18 days for BP PLC, majority owner of the well that spewed oil into the Gulf of Mexico for almost three months, the company got about 15000
Louisiana and Florida lead Alabama in BP oil spill claims approved and money paidal.com (blog)
Editorial: It's time to pay upPensacola News Journal
Have you worked processing gulf spill damage claims?CNN (blog)
USA Today –NPR –Newsinferno.com
all 47 news articles »

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Oil spill claims coming faster than Feinberg can process – al.com (blog) 0

Posted on September 11, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil spill claims coming faster than Feinberg can process
al.com (blog)
Oil spill claims payments to individuals and businesses from the Gulf Coast Claims Facility topped 0 million Friday, but the number of open claims grew
Letters: Everybody gets paid except the claimants; Stay vigilant with oil Press-Register – al.com (blog)
Have you worked processing gulf spill damage claims?CNN (blog)
Claims Czar's Slow Pace Frustrates Gulf BusinessesNPR
USA Today –Newsinferno.com –Pensacola News Journal
all 47 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

US Improperly Banned Oil Drilling off Alaska Coast, State Claims in Suit – Bloomberg 0

Posted on September 10, 2010 by bp complaints

Africa IBTimes

US Improperly Banned Oil Drilling off Alaska Coast, State Claims in Suit
The US in May imposed a moratorium on deep-water drilling in the wake of the Gulf spill. Regulators including Salazar have improperly stopped drilling as
BP Outlines Steps to Prevent Future SpillsWall Street Journal
Report Highlights More Problems at Offshore Oil AgencyWall Street Journal (blog)

all 138 news articles »

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Claims Czar’s Slow Pace Frustrates Gulf Businesses – NPR 0

Posted on September 10, 2010 by bp complaints


Claims Czar's Slow Pace Frustrates Gulf Businesses
People living on the Gulf Coast who have lost money because of the oil spill had put a lot of hope in attorney Kenneth Feinberg.
Have you worked processing gulf spill damage claims?CNN (blog)
Oil claims center finds BP's records lackingUSA Today
Oil spill: Crabs, Flounders still waiting for BP cashPensacola News Journal
msnbc.com –NOLA.com –WKRG-TV
all 32 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Oil claims center finds BP’s records lacking – USA Today 0

Posted on September 10, 2010 by bp complaints


Oil claims center finds BP's records lacking
USA Today
The spill closed large swaths of the Gulf to fishing, shrimping and oyster harvesting at the peak of the summer season. As the company responsible for the
Federal official extends time allowed to respond to individuals, businessesmsnbc.com
Speed up payments from fund to compensate oil spill losses: An editorialNOLA.com
Who's Getting Paid?WKRG-TV
Gulf Coast Newspapers –al.com (blog) –Mother Jones
all 27 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Have you worked processing gulf spill damage claims? – CNN (blog) 0

Posted on September 10, 2010 by bp complaints

Have you worked processing gulf spill damage claims?
CNN (blog)
Have you worked processing gulf oil spill damage claims? Share your experiences with Anderson Cooper and ProPublica, nonprofit newsroom.

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gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf Compensation Chief Retreats From Promises to Speed Claims Process – ProPublica 0

Posted on September 09, 2010 by bp complaints


Gulf Compensation Chief Retreats From Promises to Speed Claims Process
(Alex Wong/Getty Images) Just over two weeks ago, Kenneth Feinberg took over the process for handling damage claims from the Gulf oil spill, pledging to cut
Speed up payments from fund to compensate oil spill losses: An editorialNOLA.com
Who's Getting Paid?WKRG-TV
Alabama Association of Realtors receiving M for lost incomeGulf Coast Newspapers
al.com (blog) –Gulf Coast Newspapers –Mother Jones
all 23 news articles »

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