Posted on
April 29, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Fox News |
The game changer Boston Globe For several days after the fatal fire on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig on April 20, 2010, there was no known leak. At the time, I was an assistant secretary at the US Department of Homeland Security, where Secretary Janet Napolitano had been convening … PRESS RELEASE Natural Resource Trustees for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill …Wall Street Journal Oil spill cleanup, containment efforts, hearings in wake of gulf disasterWashington Post BP sues Deepwater Horizon partners for £24bnThe Guardian Auburn Citizen –Daily Comet – all 1,985 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: BostonChangergameGlobe
Posted on
March 10, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Research and Markets: Is the Deepwater Horizon Accident a Game Changer for the … Business Wire (press release) Achieve a comprehensive understanding of the global deepwater oil and gas industry including the drivers and resistors of deepwater operations. Assess the impact of the Deepwater Horizon accident on BP, deepwater operators, oil-field services companies … Deepwater Horizon committee to hear from industry representatives – March 11 …FirstScience Locals wonder, is this drilling assurance or crude appeasementTri Parish Times Help state by backing No New Drilling OMB Watch –Red and Black –Town Hall all 60 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: accidentbusinessChangerDeepwatergameHorizonmarketspressRELEASEResearchWire
Posted on
June 12, 2010 by
bp complaints
Mary Landry Sees Game Changer as Oil Awaits Atlantic Hurricanes
June 10 (Bloomberg) — Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary E. Landry was up early on Saturday, April 24, preparing to brief news reporters on the deadly explosion at the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig when BP Plc called with bad news: The well was leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico, 5,000 feet below the surface.
Read more on Bloomberg
Tags: AtlanticawaitsChangergameHurricanesLandryMarySees