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November 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
Chevron says it will clean up Brazil spill GlobalPost (blog) An estimated 206 million gallons of crude oil have spilled into the gulf from accident. Multiple Coast Guard helicopters, planes and cutters responded to rescue the Deepwater Horizon's 126 person crew. (US Coast Guard/AFP/Getty Images) An oil spill at …
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gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: blogBrazilChevronCleanGlobalPostsaysspill
Posted on
November 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
BP Gulf deja vu: Chevron-Transocean Brazil spill 10 times worse than told Monday, Chevron Corp. said drilling at the US company's Frade field last week "might" be contributing to an oil spill, more Big Energy human rights violations. "It shows an apparent oil slick originating from the drilling location and extending over …
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gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: BrazilChevronTransoceandéjàExaminer.comGulfspillThanTimesToldWorse
Posted on
March 24, 2011 by
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Why US Oil Rigs Left Gulf of Mexico for Brazil Forbes (blog) Okay, but that is the reason why we are not drill-baby-drilling like mad in the Gulf right now. It is because the country just witnessed its worst oil disaster ever, not because of the government's ill-focused lending. And as Lipow said, “maybe things … Why is Brazilian Oil Giant Petrobras Pumping Oil Off America's Gulf Coast?From the Trenches World Report Beck, Limbaugh Renew Smear That Obama Is Undermining US With Petrobras …Media Matters for America Barack Obama wakes up to fact there's more to Brazil than
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gulf oil disaster updates – Google News
Tags: blogBrazilForbesGulfLeftMexicorigs
Posted on
November 28, 2010 by
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The End of Deep-Water Drilling? Not in Brazil. Wall Street Journal HOUSTON—The Deepwater Horizon oil spill brought deep-water drilling in the US Gulf of Mexico to a halt, derailing decades of US energy … The Atlantic – Obama's BP Oil Spill Commission Gets It WrongYall Politics Panel finds oil spill research paltryThe News Journal Many still have no recourse for oil–spill claimsHouma Courier Ocala –Pensacola News Journal –TCPalm all 15 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: BrazilDeepwaterDrillingJournalStreetWall
Posted on
June 07, 2010 by
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28 May 2010

Image by Louisiana Sierra Club
Brazil to Boost Oil-Field ‘Vigilance’ After BP Spill (Update1)
June 1 (Bloomberg) — Brazil plans to increase ‘vigilance’ of its oil fields after BP Plc’s Gulf of Mexico spill, an official at oil regulator ANP said.
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Tags: ‘Vigilance’boostBrazilOilFieldspillUpdate1