Posted on
October 25, 2011 by
bp complaints
Netflix's Missteps or BP's Gulf Oil Spill: Which Was Worse for Stock Prices? The Atlantic How does that compare — strictly in the optic share prices — with another major corporate disaster, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in April of 2010? Before the oil spill, BP's stock was trading around — the peak being a price of .64 in …
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Tags: AtlanticBP'sGulfmisstepsNetflix'sPricesspillstockWorse
Posted on
October 22, 2011 by
bp complaints
 BBC News |
BP's Plan for Drilling in the Gulf Is Approved New York Times HOUSTON — The Obama administration on Friday took another step toward allowing BP to return to the Gulf of Mexico, approving the first oil drilling plan for the company there since the explosion that sank the Deepwater Horizon rig … BP wins OK for exploration plan in Gulf of MexicoLos Angeles Times BP Moves to Return to GulfWall Street Journal US allows BP to drill new Gulf deepwater wellsThe Hindu Xinhua –Sacramento Bee –GlobalPost all 373 news articles »
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Tags: approvedBP'sDrillingGulfplanTimesYork
Posted on
October 18, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
BP's Miraculous Escape From Deepwater Horizon 24/7 Wall St. (blog) Lost to some who saw the announcement that BP (NYSE: BP) had settled claims with Anadarko (NYSE: APC) over the Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent leak was the fact that the UK-based oil giant will no longer have to pay money into the … Producing Fair Results From An Unfair ProcessBusiness Insider BSEE issues violations in Deepwater Horizon caseMarine Log BP allowed back into the bidding for gulf oil drilling rightsThe Guardian WALA-TV FOX10 –The Daily Activist – (blog) all 32 news articles »
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Tags: 24/7blogBP'sDeepwaterescapeHorizonMiraculousWall
Posted on
September 21, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Christian Science Monitor |
Full extent of BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster emissions revealed Environmental Data Interactive More than 2m kilograms of black carbon poured into the atmosphere over the nine weeks of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, research has revealed for the first time. Levels of carbon, which the team claims is equal to the emissions of the all shipping in … Violation Letters for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Expected Soon, Interior …The Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) Is the White House ready for a Cuban deep water drilling disaster?Christian Science Monitor NOAA researchers release study on emissions from BP/Deepwater Horizon …NOAA Texas Lawyer –WSFA –Insurance Journal all 453 news articles »
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Tags: BP'sdataDeepwaterdisasteremissionsenvironmentalExtentFullHorizoninteractiverevealed
Posted on
September 16, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
The Titanic disaster meant a life of shame for its CEO. Not so BP's Tony Hayward The Guardian After an explosion wrecked the Deepwater Horizon rig last year, killing 11 workers, nearly 5m barrels of oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico over the following three months. It was the biggest marine oil spill in history – an environmental catastrophe …
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Tags: 'Shame'Titanic'BP'sCEO.disasterGuardianHaywardLifemeantTony
Posted on
September 15, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Globe and Mail |
Deepwater Horizon Oil Report Fingers BP's Safety Lapses PBS NewsHour A government report out Wednesday finds that British oil giant BP bears the lion's share of blame for the 2010 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The blast killed 11 workers and led to the worst offshore oil spill in US … Deepwater Horizon Joint Investigation Team Concludes BP, Transocean and …EHS Today Deepwater Horizon report syphons off some of blame from BPThe Guardian Report Blames BP's Shortcuts for Gulf Oil SpillNew York Times Financial Times –Boston Globe –Washington Post all 1,581 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: BP'sDeepwaterfingersHorizonLapsesNewsHourReportSafety
Posted on
September 14, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Report Blames BP's Shortcuts for Gulf Oil Spill New York Times The central cause of the explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig was a failure of the cement at the base of the 18000-foot-deep well that was supposed to contain oil and gas within the well bore. That failure led to a cascade of human and … Final Oil-Spill Report Chastises BP, OthersWall Street Journal BP bears brunt of blame for Deepwater Horizon catastropheThe Guardian BP's cost cuts contributed to oil spill disaster, federal probe findsWashington Post Seattle Post Intelligencer –Occupational Health & Safety –Houston Chronicle (blog) all 1,254 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: blamesBP'sGulfReportshortcutsspillTimesYork
Posted on
September 09, 2011 by
bp complaints
Time running out in BP's strategy vacuum Financial Times Complicating all decisions, and seen as the biggest drag on its share price, is uncertainty over how much BP will have to pay for the gulf spill and whether it will be found to have been grossly negligent, something it has denied. …
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Tags: BP'sFinancialRunningStrategyTimeTimesVacuum
Posted on
September 08, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Legal News Line |
BP's Bad Timing Huffington Post (blog) Just two weeks ago there was a large oil sheen spotted in the Gulf, not the first since the Deepwater Horizon of course, but one which was tracked back to an area near two abandoned wells. There are about 27000 such wells in the Gulf with the potential … Halliburton sues BP over 'false report' from Deepwater Horizon explosionUltimate Memorial BP Still Struggling With Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (press release) BP responds to lawsuitHazardEx The Louisiana Record –The Maritime Executive –Bayoubuzz all 11 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: blogBP'sHuffingtonPostTiming
Posted on
September 07, 2011 by
bp complaints |
BP's 0 million rig worker fund expands to other oil spill recovery efforts By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune Rig workers and other offshore laborers affected by last year's Gulf oil spill and drilling moratorium claimed less than a quarter of BP's 0 million grant fund, so a Louisiana foundation began the task Wednesday …
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Tags: $100BP'sEffortsexpandsFundMillionNOLA.comRecoveryspillWorker