Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Text of President Barack Obama’s speech 0

Posted on June 16, 2010 by bp complaints

Text of President Barack Obama’s speech
A text of President Obama’s prepared remarks Tuesday on the Gulf Coast oil spill, as released by the White House:
Read more on Toronto Star

President Barack Obama’s address on the oil spill 0

Posted on June 16, 2010 by bp complaints

President Barack Obama’s address on the oil spill
Good evening.  As we speak, our nation faces a multitude of challenges.  At home, our top priority is to recover and rebuild from a recession that has touched the lives of nearly every American.  Abroad, our brave men and women…
Read more on New Orleans Times-Picayune

BP oil spill: Barack Obama to extend moratorium on deepwater drilling for 6 months 0

Posted on May 30, 2010 by bp complaints

BP oil spill: Barack Obama to extend moratorium on deepwater drilling for 6 months
President Barack Obama will extend a moratorium on deepwater oil drilling for six months while a commission studies the reasons for the Gulf of Mexico spill.
Read more on Daily Telegraph

Michael Savage Blasts Mayor Bloomberg and Barack “BP” Obama – May 5th, 2010 15

Posted on May 24, 2010 by bp complaints

The Savage Nation. (5-6-10).

Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Brings Criticism & Challenges for The Barack Obama Administration 25

Posted on May 04, 2010 by bp complaints

(4.30.10) — Barack Obama and his administration are coming under increasing scrutiny for what critics are calling a slow response to the Gulf Of Mexico oil spill tragedy. We have the latest developments on the continuing situation. Read more about this story: “Oil Washes Up on Gulf Coast; Spill May Be Five Times Estimated Size” bit.ly “Oil Hitting LA Coast” bit.ly “Governor Delcares State of Emergency” bit.ly “Obama orders review of Gulf of Mexico oil spill” bit.ly “Hello, The Gulf Oil Spill Is Obama’s Katrina” bit.ly * Photo Credit: Description: Oil spill Date: Unknown Source: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Secondary Source: Wikimedia Commons bit.ly Author: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Permission: This photo is in the public domain #.

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