Posted on
November 05, 2011 by
bp complaints
 Between The Lines |
National Aquarium hosting Gulf spill symposium BusinessWeek Baltimore's National Aquarium is hosting a symposium on assessing damage from last year's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists, policy makers, and others are discussing research into how the spill is affecting natural resources. … Is BP Resurfacing From the Spill?Motley Fool Aquarium, Gulf Officials Discuss Oil Spill ResearchWBAL Baltimore NIH sponsoring oil spill –Houma Courier –San Francisco Chronicle all 85 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: AquariumBusinessWeekGulfHostingNationalspillSYMPOSIUM
Posted on
November 03, 2011 by
bp complaints
 The State Column |
Aquarium, Gulf Officials Discuss Oil Spill Research WBAL Baltimore BALTIMORE — The Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion and subsequent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has fallen from the headlines, but cleanup efforts are still under way. Officials from the Gulf region joined those in the conservation department at … Pace of offshore drilling approvals picks upSan Francisco Chronicle Gulf spill still affecting environment, industriesHouma Courier Rep. Larsen Seeks Ways to Ensure Oil Spill CleanupThe State Column ABC2 News – (blog) –The Hill (blog) all 69 news articles »
gulf oil spill updates – Google News
Tags: AquariumBaltimorediscussGulfofficialsResearchspillWBAL
Posted on
June 08, 2010 by
bp complaints
Aquarium prepares to take in some of Gulf’s suffering turtles
As the Gulf oil spill ensnares marine animals, the staff at the National Aquarium and the state’s wildlife veterinarian are preparing for a life or death situation.
Read more on Baltimore Sun
Tags: AquariumGulf'sPreparesSomeSufferingTakeTurtles
Posted on
May 30, 2010 by
bp complaints
Monterey Bay Aquarium sub on mission in gulf
The aquarium’s robot submarine is launched from the U.S. research ship Gordon Gunter to scout out the oil plume’s limits and gather data about its effects on the deepwater marine life.
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle
Tags: AquariumGulfMissionMonterey