Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

New rules on offshore oil drilling; ban closer to being lifted – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

New rules on offshore oil drilling; ban closer to being lifted
Los Angeles Times
The Interior Department issues drilling and workplace rules meant to make deepwater operations safer after the gulf oil spill.
Salazar Says Offshore Drill Plans Must Identify Potential RisksBloomberg
US Issues New Rules on Offshore DrillingNew York Times
Salazar announces new drilling rules but nothing on banThe Hill (blog)
Politico (blog) –AFP –Reuters
all 431 news articles »

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BP research funds to be handled by gulf governors – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 30, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

BP research funds to be handled by gulf governors
Los Angeles Times
The research initiative will focus on five major areas, including the study of chemical dispersants used to break up the oil, the effects of the spill on
Gold rush on the Gulf: Researchers clamor for cashThe Associated Press
Gulf of Mexico becomes a font of research dollars after BP spillKSPR
BP and Gulf of Mexico Alliance announce plans for implementing BP's 0 Channel 6 News Online
all 210 news articles »

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Oil spill response chief calls for third party to manage future disasters – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 28, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters India

Oil spill response chief calls for third party to manage future disasters
Los Angeles Times
Retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, commander of the federal response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, called Monday for creation of a
Barack Obama under fire for grossly underestimating Gulf oil spillThe Guardian
Gulf Oil Spill Point Man Calls for Changes to Law for Future ResponseVoice of America
Scientists Clash Over Amount of Oil in GulfWall Street Journal
Washington Post –Tbo.com –CNN International
all 1,610 news articles »

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Gulf oil spill: Oil concentrations in gulf waters are decreasing – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on September 21, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Gulf oil spill: Oil concentrations in gulf waters are decreasing
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Federal scientists say the concentrations of oil they are finding in Gulf of Mexico waters are continuing to decline. "We've been seeing a very clear trend
U.S. government: No sign of undersea plume from BP spillReuters
Scientists: Oil Remains in Gulf, Contaminating Food ChainLiveScience.com
Take Action to Reduce Dependence of Fossil FuelsHuffington Post (blog)
10 Connects –PhysOrg.com –Christian Science Monitor
all 2,529 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Obama quicker to claim credit for BP oil well-sealing – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on September 20, 2010 by bp complaints

Obama quicker to claim credit for BP oil well-sealing
Los Angeles Times (blog)
President Obama, who was widely criticized for a slow response to the environmentally disastrous gulf oil spill last spring, was quick to respond Sunday and

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Blown-out BP well finally killed at bottom of Gulf of Mexico [Updated] – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on September 19, 2010 by bp complaints


Blown-out BP well finally killed at bottom of Gulf of Mexico [Updated]
Los Angeles Times (blog)
[Updated at 8:57 am: The BP oil well in the Gulf of Mexico — source of the largest offshore oil spill in US history — has been permanently killed,
Gulf well permanently plugged, officials sayCNN
Q+A-BP's Gulf of Mexico well is plugged. Now what?Reuters
Gulf oil spill 'finally sealed'BBC News
Bloomberg –Wall Street Journal –Reuters Canada
all 1,232 news articles »

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BP well sealed, but gusher of uncertainty remains – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 19, 2010 by bp complaints


BP well sealed, but gusher of uncertainty remains
Los Angeles Times
But elsewhere in the gulf states, there are signs of a return to normal: Ribbons of surface oil have largely vanished, sunbathers are back on Florida
UPDATE 1-BP says Gulf of Mexico well will be sealed SaturdayReuters
Bottom kill begins on BP Deepwater Horizon oil wellExaminer.com
'Bottom kill' performed, officials prepare to declare gulf well pluggedWashington Post
abc7.com –All247News
all 5,135 news articles »

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Bacteria in the gulf mostly digested gas, not oil, study finds – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 18, 2010 by bp complaints

The Guardian

Bacteria in the gulf mostly digested gas, not oil, study finds
Los Angeles Times
Bacteria that attacked the plumes of oil and gas resulting from the Deepwater Horizon gusher in the Gulf of Mexico mainly digested natural gas spewing from
What's News: World-WideWall Street Journal
Workers prepare for milestoneMiamiHerald.com
BP holding back data on oil spill impact, Louisiana officials sayNOLA.com
Gulf Coast Maritime –USA Today –Telegraph.co.uk
all 4,509 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Gulf Oil Spill: Bacteria mainly ate the gas, not the oil – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on September 17, 2010 by bp complaints

ABC News

Gulf Oil Spill: Bacteria mainly ate the gas, not the oil
Los Angeles Times (blog)
The paper doesn't rule out the possibility that bacteria also are consuming oil from the spill, the authors said. Instead, it suggests that natural gas
BP Sued by Mexican States Over Gulf OilSpill DamageBusinessWeek
6000 birds found dead across five US states since gulf oil spillHerald Sun
Gulf Oil SpillNational Geographic
Wall Street Journal –Bloomberg –Creative Loafing Tampa (blog)
all 3,407 news articles »

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Relief bore reaches BP’s damaged well; endgame in sight – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on September 17, 2010 by bp complaints

Lexington Herald Leader

Relief bore reaches BP's damaged well; endgame in sight
Los Angeles Times
Five months after the start of the worst offshore oil spill in US history, crews are set for the final 'bottom kill.' By Richard Fausset and Bettina Boxall,
Relief well intersects blown-out BP oil well in Gulf of MexicoNOLA.com
BP relief well intercepts ruptured Gulf wellReuters Africa
Relief well has intersected blown-out BP wellFOX 8 News WVUE-TV
Maroon –WWL –Lexington Herald Leader
all 378 news articles »

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