Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf fishermen aren’t ready to ditch BP – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on August 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

Gulf fishermen aren't ready to ditch BP
Los Angeles Times
"Shrimping is a gamble, but this is a sure thing and the money's about the same as what I was making before the oil spill," said Ted Portier, 63,
Gulf oil spillDallas Morning News
The water's fineBoston Globe
How the Gulf oil disaster may change the seafood culture of Gulf coast statesHelium
Helium –Marketplace (blog) –Care2.com (blog)
all 448 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: BP starts last leg of relief well – Los Angeles Times (blog) 4

Posted on August 06, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Gulf oil spill: BP starts last leg of relief well
Los Angeles Times (blog)
BP resumed work Friday on the drilling operation meant to spell the ultimate end of its notorious gulf well as it continued to scale back its massive
BP considers drilling in same area as Gulf oil spill, could be worth New York Daily News
An Ixtoc vs. Gulf oil spill comparisonUSA Today
Gulf oil spill's economic fallout easing up in FloridaMiamiHerald.com
NPR –CNNMoney –Wall Street Journal
all 13,321 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: BP starts cementing well – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on August 05, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Gulf oil spill: BP starts cementing well
Los Angeles Times (blog)
Since the well was mechanically capped three weeks ago, no oil has leaked into the gulf. Slicks have shrunk substantially and offshore cleanup crews are
Oil Spill Gives Unexpected Boost To Gulf State GovernorsHuffington Post (blog)
Oilspill liability to rise in UKWall Street Journal
Is the Gulf Oil Spill Story Over? Not ReallyTIME
Examiner.com –Reuters (press release) –Fiint
all 13,817 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Oil spill size near upper range of earlier estimates – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on August 03, 2010 by bp complaints

Globe and Mail

Oil spill size near upper range of earlier estimates
Los Angeles Times
are drilling a relief well and preparing a "static kill" for BP's broken oil well at the site of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
US Puts Oil Spill Total at Nearly 5 Million BarrelsNew York Times
BP Shares Rally on Gulf EffortsWall Street Journal
New CoreLogic Data Shows the Potential Impact of the BP DeepWater Horizon Oil PR Newswire (press release)
New York Daily News –Sydney Morning Herald –Houston Chronicle
all 4,480 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Oily waters, soiled beaches weigh on gulf town – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on August 02, 2010 by bp complaints

Los Angeles Times

Oily waters, soiled beaches weigh on gulf town
Los Angeles Times
Grand Isle, the first village in Louisiana that fell victim to the oil spill, faces a murky future as toxic oil continues to wash ashore.
Gulf residents fear being forgotten along with oil spillAFP

all 16 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: Did Coast Guard allow excessive toxic dispersants? – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on August 01, 2010 by bp complaints

Kansas City Star

Gulf oil spill: Did Coast Guard allow excessive toxic dispersants?
Los Angeles Times (blog)
25 Obama administration directive that sought to limit the use of chemical dispersants on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill to “rare cases.
Coast Guard: Work On Smaller Gulf Leak To Begin SundayWall Street Journal
For tourism, averting another disasterMiamiHerald.com
BP using dispersants disproportionately in Gulf to clean the oil spillThe Money Times
Pensacola News Journal –I-Newswire.com (press release) –Examiner.com
all 320 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Sandra Bullock asks to be pulled from Gulf Coast PSA – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on July 31, 2010 by bp complaints


Sandra Bullock asks to be pulled from Gulf Coast PSA
Los Angeles Times (blog)
"Ms. Bullock was originally contacted through her attorney to be a part of the PSA in order to promote awareness of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico," a
Bullock Wants To Be Removed From OilSpill VideoNew York Times
Sandra Bullock Wants Her Gulf PSA Segment RemovedShockya.com
Sandra Bullock withdraws her support for BP oil spill video. Actress doesn't Daily Mail

all 306 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Sandra Bullock asks to be pulled from Gulf Coast PSA – Los Angeles Times (blog) 3

Posted on July 31, 2010 by bp complaints


Sandra Bullock asks to be pulled from Gulf Coast PSA
Los Angeles Times (blog)
"Ms. Bullock was originally contacted through her attorney to be a part of the PSA in order to promote awareness of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico," a
Bullock Wants To Be Removed From OilSpill VideoNew York Times
Sandra Bullock Wants Her Gulf PSA Segment RemovedShockya.com
Sandra Bullock withdraws her support for BP oil spill video. Actress doesn't Daily Mail

all 306 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulf oil spill: Fishermen decry a lost season – Los Angeles Times (blog) 0

Posted on July 31, 2010 by bp complaints

Washington Post

Gulf oil spill: Fishermen decry a lost season
Los Angeles Times (blog)
and shrimping won't salvage the livelihoods of many Gulf of Mexico fishermen this season after the devastating effects of the catastrophic BP oil spill.
Florida Releases July 31, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation UpdateGov Monitor
Tracking Gulf's Fate as Slicks RecedeNew York Times
BP Gulf oil spill update: Were Tony Hayward and Rush Limbaugh right after all?Examiner.com
The Associated Press –San Jose Mercury News –Voice of America
all 2,685 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Chevron’s second-quarter profit triples – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on July 31, 2010 by bp complaints

Reuters India

Chevron's second-quarter profit triples
Los Angeles Times
to post a hefty profit but ended up reporting a net loss of billion for the quarter because of huge costs associated with the gulf oil disaster.
Big Oil thriving beyond the GulfMarketWatch

all 305 news articles »

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