Posted on
November 14, 2010 by
bp complaints
Spill: Altered report needs probe Jackson Clarion Ledger The ban on deep-water oil drilling was ordered in May after the Gulf oil spill disaster in April. The moratorium, which was scheduled to be lifted in … Dead coral near BP spill shows need for more researchSun-Sentinel
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Tags: alteredClarionJacksonLedgerNeedsprobeReportspill
Posted on
November 11, 2010 by
bp complaints
 The Guardian |
Report: White House altered drilling safety report The Associated Press … of overstating the science behind official reports and political decisions made after the massive Gulf oil spill. In the wake of the April 20 disaster, … BP oil spill: White House rewrote drilling ban reportThe Guardian Interior inspector general: White House skewed drilling-ban reportPolitico (blog) White House skewed report on deepwater drilling (blog) Fox News –Salon all 589 news articles »
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Tags: alteredAssociatedDrillingHousepressReportSafetyWhite
Posted on
November 10, 2010 by
bp complaints
 CBS News |
Obama team altered report on oil drilling ban, IG says USA Today Gulf Coast lawmakers and business owners opposed the ban, since lifted, saying it would further hurt a local economy battered by the oil spill. Last-minute White House editing led to false implications in spill reportThe Washington Independent New Debate Over Administration's Gulf Drilling BanOccupational Health & Safety Science in its "rightful place," as handmaiden to Obama administration policy …Power Line (blog) The Hill (blog) –Washington Examiner (blog) –Politico (blog) all 249 news articles »
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