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November 02, 2011 by
bp complaints |
Regulators Extend 1400 Deepwater Leases in Gulf of Mexico The Maritime Executive United States regulators of oil-drilling leases have finally extended new leases to the majority of companies totaling nearly 1400 leases (including BP) whose operations were disrupted by either the Deepwater Horizon spill, or the subsequent drilling … Number of federal deepwater permits spikes in BP wins permission to drill in the deepwater Gulf of MexicoBizmology Guest Commentary: BP Awarded First Gulf Permit to Drill Since Deepwater …The Pelican Post –Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine – all 40 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: 1400DeepwaterExecutiveextendGulfLeasesMaritimeMexicoregulators
Posted on
November 01, 2011 by
bp complaints
 FuelFix |
Feds extends 1400 Gulf leases to make up for permit delays The Obama administration has offered to extend some 1400 deepwater oil and gas drilling leases in order to try to compensate for the moratorium placed on certain Gulf of Mexico offshore exploration in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon rig disaster. … Danziger & De Llano, Continuing to Help Victims of the BP Oil Spill, Offers …PR Web (press release) Sen. Bill Nelson helped lift veil on BP gulf oil
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Tags: 1400Bizjournals.comdelaysExtendsFedsGulfLeasesPermit
Posted on
October 31, 2011 by
bp complaints
Interior to extend nearly 1400 leases affected by post-spill drilling moratorium The Hill (blog) The Interior Department will extend nearly 1400 Gulf of Mexico oil and gas leases that were affected by the moratorium on deepwater drilling put in place after last year's oil spill. … Danziger & De Llano, Continuing to Help Victims of the BP Oil Spill, Offers …PR Web (press release) BP has new practices, new standards and a resolve to drill safelyMississippi Press (blog)
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Tags: 1400AffectedblogDrillingextendHillInteriorLeasesmoratoriumNearlyPostspill