Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

New report offers broad approach to assessing impacts of ecological damage – PhysOrg.com 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints

Reuters UK

New report offers broad approach to assessing impacts of ecological damage
The magnitude and depth of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill will require an unprecedented effort to determine the extent and severity of ecological damage and to develop restoration plans for affected areas in the Gulf of Mexico, says an interim report
How much damage did BP oil spill cause?Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Gulf of Mexico Oil &Gas Lease Sale AnnouncedMarineLink
US plans first Gulf lease sale since big oil spillReuters Africa
Bizmology –Press-Register – al.com (blog) –Center for Biological Diversity (press release)
all 450 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

How much damage did BP oil spill cause? – Sarasota Herald-Tribune 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints


How much damage did BP oil spill cause?
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Oil is seen on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico near the site of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010. (Photo by Matt Stamey / The Houma Courier) By Kate Spinner The traditional approach to making the polluter pay for environmental damage caused by
US plans first Gulf lease sale since big oil spillReuters Africa
Gulf of Mexico Oil &Gas Lease Sale AnnouncedMarineLink
First Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale Approved Since BP Explosion, SpillCenter for Biological Diversity (press release)
PhysOrg.com –Reuters –WAMU
all 449 news articles »

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BSEE: Safety Alert on the Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Spill – MarineLink 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints

BSEE: Safety Alert on the Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Spill
It briefly summarizes the findings of the Joint Investigation of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill, and highlights recommendations for immediate action that leaseholders and contractors can incorporate into their work.
BSEE director delivers keynote address at International Association of The Daily Advertiser

all 5 news articles »

deepwater horizon – Google News

Scientists: Gulf oil cleanup ‘inadequate’ – Sarasota Herald-Tribune 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints


Scientists: Gulf oil cleanup 'inadequate'
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
The panel, made up of more than a dozen scientists from varying fields, said the BP disaster was so large and unprecedented – and the Gulf of Mexico so complex and economically valuable – that tallying up individual losses and charging BP for their
US to Open New Areas to Offshore DrillingNew York Times
We Have "Learned Nothing" from BP Disaster: Obama Opens More of Arctic to ThinkProgress
Obama cautiously offers more areas for offshore drilling in Alaska and Gulf of Washington Post (blog)
all 444 news articles »

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RIDM 2011: Film on Gulf Oil Spill is clumsy and disappointing – Montreal Gazette (blog) 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints

RIDM 2011: Film on Gulf Oil Spill is clumsy and disappointing
Montreal Gazette (blog)
To get straight to the point, I think that The End of the World Begins With One Lie does not do justice to the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill of 2010. Some other film will have to do that. Maybe some other film already has.

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

New Documentary Says Gulf Oil Spill Crisis Isn’t Over – Forbes 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints


New Documentary Says Gulf Oil Spill Crisis Isn't Over
The catastrophic oil spill caused by an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon petroleum rig in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 was a disaster of epic proportions, and according to the new documentary “The Big Fix,” the havoc it wreaked is far from over.

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Researchers looking at health effects of BP spill on cleanup workers – WWL 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints


Researchers looking at health effects of BP spill on cleanup workers
NEW ORLEANS — If you helped with the BP oil spill clean-up efforts or know someone who did, scientists want to hear from you. A study is underway looking at the long-term health effects of last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill on clean-up workers.
Gulf Oilspill Workers Sought for StudyInsurance Journal
Coast Guard OKs Winding Down BP Spill CleanupClaimsJournal.com
Oil spill cleanup winding downPensacola News Journal
NOLA.com –Fox News
all 607 news articles »

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Oil-spill workers sought for study – MiamiHerald.com 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints

FuelFix (blog)

Oilspill workers sought for study
Federal researchers will be in Terrebonne Parish on Wednesday, looking for cleanup workers willing to participate in a .8 million study of long-term health effects from last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill. They want to interview more than 50000
Researchers ready Gulf Coast oil spill health studyWLOX
Oilspill workers sought for studyFuelFix (blog)
OilSpill Workers Sought For StudyWJTV

all 32 news articles »

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Gulf Coast lawmakers optimistic about garnering 80% of BP oil spill fines – NOLA.com 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints

Fox News

Gulf Coast lawmakers optimistic about garnering 80% of BP oil spill fines
By Bruce Alpert, Times-Picayune WASHINGTON — Despite support from President Barack Obama and influential congressional Republicans, a bill that would channel 80 percent of BP oil spill fines to the Gulf Coast is far from enactment.
Gulf Oilspill Workers Sought for StudyInsurance Journal
Researchers looking health effects of BP spill on clean-up workersWWL
Coast Guard OKs Winding Down BP Oil Spill CleanupFox News
Wall Street Journal –The Associated Press
all 585 news articles »

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BP nears end of clean-up from Gulf oil disaster – The Independent 0

Posted on November 10, 2011 by bp complaints

The Guardian

BP nears end of clean-up from Gulf oil disaster
The Independent
AP BP will no longer have to clean up oil on the Gulf Coast unless officials can prove it is from last year's Deepwater Horizon spill, according to a plan approved by the US Coast Guard. BP will now turn its attentions to restoring areas damaged by the
BP to end clean-up operations in Gulf oil spillThe Guardian
Coast Guard OKs Winding Down BP Oil Spill CleanupFox News
Oil spill: Coast Guard calls off cleanupPensacola News Journal
TIME –Florida Independent –The Press Association
all 568 news articles »

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