Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Gulf Coast has a long path to restoration, report shows – Houston Business Journal 0

Posted on November 12, 2011 by bp complaints

Gulf Coast has a long path to restoration, report shows
Houston Business Journal
Also, since the gulf's ecosystem changes frequently, it is hard to establish a quantifier for normal conditions, and effects of the oil spill could continue for years to come. Using a broad “ecosystem services” approach to the restoration,

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How To Put A Value On Oil Damaged Life In The Gulf – NPR 0

Posted on November 12, 2011 by bp complaints

USA Today (blog)

How To Put A Value On Oil Damaged Life In The Gulf
CHRISTOPHER JOYCE: When Exxon settled up with Alaskans for the damage from the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, the payout was based largely on how many acres got oiled and how many animals died. Scientists want to take a different tack with the Gulf Oil spill
How much damage did BP oil spill cause?Sarasota Herald-Tribune
BP oil spill damage in Gulf to get broader reviewUSA Today (blog)
Offshore lease sale set for DecemberCBS News
Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) –Montreal Gazette (blog) –Houston Business Journal
all 494 news articles »

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Gulf restoration briefing to be held Nov. 16 – Florida Independent 0

Posted on November 12, 2011 by bp complaints

Gulf restoration briefing to be held Nov. 16
Florida Independent
According to its weebsite, CatVest “offers pre-disaster risk financing to manage and transfer the risks of large-scale oil, gas and chemical spill risks from industry to the capital markets using instruments such as catastrophe bonds and

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From The Oil Disaster Frontlines; Victory Up North As The Battle Rages In The Gulf – Natural Resources Defense Council (blog) 0

Posted on November 11, 2011 by bp complaints

Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)

From The Oil Disaster Frontlines; Victory Up North As The Battle Rages In The Gulf
Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)
Dolphins are dying in historic numbers, shrimp and crab catches are at all time lows, and people continue to complain of on-going health problems they blame on the BP oil disaster. Last week, residents of the Gulf traveled to Washington to join the
How much damage did BP oil spill cause?Sarasota Herald-Tribune
First Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale Approved Since BP Explosion, SpillCenter for Biological Diversity (press release)
Offshore lease sale set for DecemberCBS News
The News-Press –ThinkProgress –Montreal Gazette (blog)
all 492 news articles »

gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

BP oil spill damage in Gulf to get broader review – USA Today (blog) 0

Posted on November 11, 2011 by bp complaints

USA Today (blog)

BP oil spill damage in Gulf to get broader review
USA Today (blog)
BP's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year, the largest in US history, was so vast it will require an unprecedented effort to quantify the ecological damage and could result in broader restoration of the Gulf,
From The Oil Disaster Frontlines; Victory Up North As The Battle Rages In The GulfHuffington Post
How much damage did BP oil spill cause?Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Offshore lease sale set for DecemberCBS News
Houston Business Journal –Montreal Gazette (blog) –UPI.com
all 489 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

From The Oil Disaster Frontlines; Victory Up North As The Battle Rages In The Gulf – Huffington Post 0

Posted on November 11, 2011 by bp complaints


From The Oil Disaster Frontlines; Victory Up North As The Battle Rages In The Gulf
Huffington Post
Dolphins are dying in historic numbers, shrimp and crab catches are at all time lows, and people continue to complain of on-going health problems they blame on the BP oil disaster. Last week, residents of the Gulf traveled to Washington to join the
How much damage did BP oil spill cause?Sarasota Herald-Tribune
First Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale Approved Since BP Explosion, SpillCenter for Biological Diversity (press release)
Offshore lease sale set for DecemberCBS News
The News-Press –Montreal Gazette (blog) –ThinkProgress
all 491 news articles »

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Study: Change method to assess gulf oil spill – Sarasota Herald-Tribune 0

Posted on November 11, 2011 by bp complaints

Houston Chronicle (blog)

Study: Change method to assess gulf oil spill
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
The report aims to help officials create the best plan for restoring the Gulf and compensating the public for irreparable damage. BP will have to pay the bill. "There is no previous case quite like the Gulf oil spill," said Stephen Polasky,
Post-spill U.S. oil, gas auction scheduledUPI.com
Offshore lease sale set for DecemberCBS News
RIDM 2011: Film on Gulf Oil Spill is clumsy and disappointingMontreal Gazette (blog)
MarineLink –Center for Biological Diversity (press release) –Houston Chronicle (blog)
all 484 news articles »

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Post-spill U.S. oil, gas auction scheduled – UPI.com 0

Posted on November 11, 2011 by bp complaints

Houston Chronicle (blog)

Post-spill U.S. oil, gas auction scheduled
14, the US government said. Washington in October 2010 lifted a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The ban was enacted after an explosion at a BP oil rig in April 2010 killed 11 rig workers and led to a massive oil spill.
RIDM 2011: Film on Gulf Oil Spill is clumsy and disappointingMontreal Gazette (blog)
Gulf of Mexico Oil &Gas Lease Sale AnnouncedMarineLink
First Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale Approved Since BP Explosion, SpillCenter for Biological Diversity (press release)
Sarasota Herald-Tribune –Houston Chronicle (blog) –MiamiHerald.com
all 474 news articles »

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‘The Big Fix’ review: BP’s disaster in the Gulf of Mexico – Los Angeles Times 0

Posted on November 11, 2011 by bp complaints

Los Angeles Times

'The Big Fix' review: BP's disaster in the Gulf of Mexico
Los Angeles Times
The scathing documentary "The Big Fix" investigates questions of corporate negligence and political corruption surrounding last year's Deepwater Horizon oil spill and its lingering aftereffects on the Gulf Coast. Even before the devastating spill off
New Documentary Says Gulf Oil Spill Crisis Isn't OverForbes

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Pay Gulf drilling moratorium claims, Rep. Jeff Landry urges BP – NOLA.com 0

Posted on November 11, 2011 by bp complaints


Pay Gulf drilling moratorium claims, Rep. Jeff Landry urges BP
In the massive tangle of litigation over the Gulf oil spill, BP has argued in federal court that losses caused by the moratorium are not "proximately caused" by the spill. Part of that argument is that Obama went beyond reasonable expectations in

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