Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Affects Development of Gulf Killifish – Bayoubuzz 0

Posted on November 29, 2011 by bp complaints


Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Affects Development of Gulf Killifish
Soon after the Deepwater Horizon rig began spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico, Andrew Whitehead and his colleagues at Louisiana State University set out to determine how that oil would affect gene expression in fish along the Gulf Coast.
Michael Bromwich says his oil industry savvy 'could fit in a thimble' when he NOLA.com
More Gulf of Mexico claims on the way?UPI.com
US to issue more sanctions against BP, Transocean and Halliburton: BromwichPlatts
Houston Chronicle –Forbes –The Associated Press
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deepwater horizon – Google News

BP’s Macondo liabilities unlikely to be visible until 2014 – Citi – Proactive Investors UK 0

Posted on November 29, 2011 by bp complaints

Business Insider

BP's Macondo liabilities unlikely to be visible until 2014 – Citi
Proactive Investors UK
suggests that proceedings connected to the Macondo oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico could last into late 2013 and that the full extension of liabilities are unlikely to be visible until 2014. So say analysts at investment bank Citigroup.
BP Gulf Payout Pushed Back As Trial Could Go On For YearsBusiness Insider
BP's Macondo Legal Proceedings May Last to 2014, Citigroup SaysBusinessWeek

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BP’s Macondo Legal Proceedings May Last to 2014, Citigroup Says – BusinessWeek 0

Posted on November 29, 2011 by bp complaints

Business Insider

BP's Macondo Legal Proceedings May Last to 2014, Citigroup Says
BP has set aside about billion for costs from the disaster that spewed almost 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico last year. Shares are down more than 30 percent since the spill. “There is still a risk that ultimate fines and penalties
BP Gulf Payout Pushed Back As Trial Could Go On For YearsBusiness Insider
BP's Macondo liabilities unlikely to be visible until 2014 – CitiProactive Investors UK
BPs Macondo legal troubles may last until 2014FuelFix (blog)

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gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulfport going public with oil spill frustrations – SunHerald.com 0

Posted on November 29, 2011 by bp complaints


Gulfport going public with oil spill frustrations
He said the company used methodology developed after consulting Gulf State stakeholders, following guidelines set out in the federal Oil Pollution Act. The city rejected the offer and submitted a new claim for losses suffered after the April 2010

gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Michael Bromwich says his oil industry savvy ‘could fit in a thimble’ when he … – NOLA.com 0

Posted on November 29, 2011 by bp complaints


Michael Bromwich says his oil industry savvy 'could fit in a thimble' when he
Times-Picayune archive'We are expecting more, and we are yielding less,' Michael Bromwich says of federal oil industry regulation in the wake of the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. But Bromwich said his status as an outsider, not inured to the
Gulf Oil Spill: BP Faces More CitationsHuffington Post
BP faces more penalties over Gulf disasterBayoubuzz
More INC to be spilled on Macondo trioUpstream Online

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gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Additional violations in Gulf of Mexico oil spill – Politico 0

Posted on November 29, 2011 by bp complaints


Additional violations in Gulf of Mexico oil spill
BP, Transocean and Halliburton should expect to be notified soon regarding additional violations tied to last year's Gulf of Mexico spill, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Director Michael Bromwich said Monday. Any additional notices of
Offshore safety chief: BP, 2 other companies face more safety citations in Washington Post (blog)
More INC to be spilled on Macondo trioUpstream Online

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gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP faces more penalties over Gulf disaster – Bayoubuzz 0

Posted on November 28, 2011 by bp complaints


BP faces more penalties over Gulf disaster
(BP Photo) The federal government is set to issue new citations against BP, Transocean and Halliburton for alleged safety and environmental violations in connection with the 2010 Gulf oil spill, an Obama administration official said Monday.
More INC to be spilled on Macondo trioUpstream Online

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gulf oil disaster updates – Google News

Gulf Oil Spill: BP Faces More Citations – Huffington Post 0

Posted on November 28, 2011 by bp complaints


Gulf Oil Spill: BP Faces More Citations
Huffington Post
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration says BP and two other companies are likely to face new citations for alleged safety and environmental violations stemming from last year's Gulf oil spill.
BP, 2 others face more citations in Gulf spillThe Associated Press
More INC to be spilled on Macondo trioUpstream Online

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gulf oil spill updates – Google News

BP, 2 others face more citations in Gulf spill – The Associated Press 0

Posted on November 28, 2011 by bp complaints


BP, 2 others face more citations in Gulf spill
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says BP and two other companies are likely to face new citations for alleged safety and environmental violations stemming from last year's Gulf oil spill. Michael Bromwich, head of the Bureau of Safety and
Interior drilling regulators prepare new penalties over BP spillThe Hill (blog)

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gulf oil spill updates – Google News

Gulfport says BP needs ‘education’ on city’s oil-spill claim – SunHerald.com 0

Posted on November 28, 2011 by bp complaints


Gulfport says BP needs 'education' on city's oil-spill claim
He said speakers will “describe their oil disaster experience and their dealings with BP over the last year.” Sunherald.com encourages an open exchange of affirming and dissenting opinions on our stories, and we consider it an important element of the

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