Posted on
September 24, 2010 by
bp complaints
 CBS News |
Landrieu Pledges to Block OMB Appointment Until Obama Lifts Drilling Moratorium The Atlantic Landrieu has repeatedly spoken out against the moratorium, which Obama put into place after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in the Gulf in April and … Mary Landrieu to block Jack Lew's nomination to serve as OMB chiefWashington Post (blog) Louisiana's Landrieu Blocks Lew Confirmation Over Oil-Drilling MoratoriumBloomberg Landrieu halts nomination2TheAdvocate FOXBusiness –Politics Daily –New York Times (blog) all 151 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: Appointment, Atlantic, block, Drilling, Landrieu, lifts, moratorium, Obama, Pledges, until
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Posted on
September 24, 2010 by
bp complaints
 CBS News |
Landrieu Pledges to Block OMB Appointment Until Obama Lifts Drilling Moratorium The Atlantic Landrieu has repeatedly spoken out against the moratorium, which Obama put into place after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in the Gulf in April and … Mary Landrieu to block Jack Lew's nomination to serve as OMB chiefWashington Post (blog) Louisiana's Landrieu Blocks Lew Confirmation Over Oil-Drilling MoratoriumBloomberg Landrieu halts nomination2TheAdvocate FOXBusiness –Politics Daily –New York Times (blog) all 151 news articles »
deepwater horizon – Google News
Tags: Appointment, Atlantic, block, Drilling, Landrieu, lifts, moratorium, Obama, Pledges, until
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