Oil Spill Impacts on Coastal Wetlands of the Mississippi River Delta
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July 05, 2010 by
bp complaints
LSU professor and wetland ecologist, Dr. Irving Mendelssohn, answers questions about possible oil spill effects on wetlands, mechanisms of damage to plants, and pros and cons of clean-up procedures. Mendelssohn has studied the coastal habitats along the Louisiana coast for over 30 years and has published more than 100 scientific articles on wetlands, 25 on oil spill impacts. For more information on wetlands: thewetlandfoundation.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I dont undersdtand why bp would deactivate boats when the oil is here in mississippi ,what about people that quit there jobs to help clean up this mess and no wyou deactivate them.The shrimpers are getting paid anyway since they lost there business,so why not let the others do the skimming ,and a real shrimper would not put his boat in that.