Florida Releases July 31, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation Update – Gov Monitor
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July 31, 2010 by
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Florida Releases July 31, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation Update
Gov Monitor Governor's Executive Order 10-101 established the Gulf Oil Spill Economic Recovery Task Force, which will facilitate efforts by Florida businesses and … How big is the gulf oil disaster? It's too early to tell. Gulf oil spill 'no disaster' BP Gulf oil spill update: Were Tony Hayward and Rush Limbaugh right after all? |
It looks to me like there is another leak in the equipment down there today (Saturday, July 31, 2010 11:30 am PST). It appears to be a methane leak–it is clear-ish in color. I watched (and have recorded) the live feed this morning as the ROV tried to figure out where it was coming from. Hours later, apparently they still haven’t.
I’ve been keeping these files of the live feeds during this process, and have suggested to the Congressional committee responsible for investigation that they have complete backups of all 15 feeds since April 20th, 24/7 and in high def. BP has been instructed to retain all records by the Justice Department (I believe) but then again, the Bush administration destroyed 220,000 email after being given that order. I don’t trust these guys any more.