The Ballad of Deepwater Horizon
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June 01, 2010 by
bp complaints
original song by charlie benton
Video Rating: 5 / 5
New footage of the oil volcano erupting in the Gulf of Mexico. This video, taken from 5/15 – 5/16, shows oil gushing out of the failed blowout preventer of the Deepwater Horizon. The first shot is far away, the second is a closeup. Video released by the office of Senator Bill Nelson of Florida.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Nice Job Charlie! Keep up the Good work! =D
Very cool!
@Janet6961 this is humans karma..
@debrainwasher did you go to uni to work that out washout,or did someone advise you,and what is the good doctor doing on this page?stirring shit again saska
How will the end begin?
IHeardYouLikeFitness, at least, YouTube can only create oil spills in your pants.
Isn’t the for profit website known as youtube a great thing.
enslavetherich, nope. It will work the opposite way: Obama will tax every gallon of fuel with $1…3 and give this money to the oil companies, to invest this money into safety equipment and to pay the cleanup. Isn’t neo-capitalism a wonderful thing?
The oil will run for months if not years – until the pressure will have been dropped naturally.
The whole disaster is America’s Karma at work…
@XZaapryca 21 inches external, 18 inches internal, afaik
Obama our friendly terrorist is doing a great job – would not you say?
Wake up America your under siege.
What is the diameter of those pipes? It would help to know the scale…
@ravioneu – I could not speak German, so I never knew why.
I don’t understand. They tortured you this way and then they cared enough about you to put you in the hospital and give you skin grafts? Or were you hospitalized after your rescue?
@enslavetherich Mr Obama is tight with the Queen as well.
@GrandArchitect3D Gas? I don’t need that much.. As I don’t have a car, (for the moment) my bicycle still works great.. 🙂 1 million dollar for Obama from BP? Didn’t the banksters give him enough?
When I was in auschwitz, I was put in a barrel of oil for 2 days. the Nazi’s then placed me onthe ground for 24 hours and the black oil dried on my skin. I was inthe hospital for 30 days and had skin grafts. Today, I give talks about the Holocaust.
I carry a jar of oil to remind the folks, how oily those Nazis were. I escaped auschwitz in 1944 and am a holocaust survivor. True Story.
@enslavetherich No. Chevron. Where do u buy gas? Obama accepted almost a million dollars from BP.
@GrandArchitect3D yeah you know, most of it appears to be dropping down to the bottom again.. And nothing lives on the bottom of the ocean right? Or.. Let me guess, you always fill up your car at BP?
America’s Chernobyl. The Gulf is dead forever.
This is the liberals’ fault because… they wanted to stop offshore oil drilling?
Still looks like deregulated right-wing capitalism being pumped into the Gulf at a rate of 500K gallons a day.
That’s obscene.
still seems like thousands of gallons a day!
its not as bad as the media is exaggerating.