Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

BP Oil Blaze Rig Sinking Into Gulf Of Mexico

Posted on June 18, 2010 by bp complaints

The National Geographic Channel has released footage from 21-22 April, 2010 showing the Deepwater Horizon oil platform collapse into the Gulf of Mexico as it burns. Join The Illuminati (Msg Me). SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. Copyright: www.youtube.com

0 to “BP Oil Blaze Rig Sinking Into Gulf Of Mexico”

  1. TheMunchMaster says:

    bp are the terrorists

  2. Jokertattooo says:

    CONTAIN, REFINE AND USE IT – We should have been manufacturing extremely vast amounts (miles) of extremely durable “tubing” to collect the oil and barge machinery to refine it on the fly, ship and pipe it to the global market – cheap – and NOW or we’re all hooped.
    Also, BP should be paying to contain all of the oil in the Gulf of Mexico between Mexico – Cuba – Florida.
    Anything else is eco terrorism and suicide.

  3. austinartwar says:

    <<<<------click austinartwar to view. I made anti Bp clips . I need the community's support. Make your own if you have the time and video post a reply.

  4. 2012venusfly says:

    Just listen to EVERY POLITICAN, you can tell which ones are in BP’s Pocket…….Even the repoter that went out to the rig site……..She came back and had nothing but POSITIVE things to say about it……….Its all about to hit the fan……EVERYTHING WERE BEING TOLD ABOUT THIS ACCIDENT IS A LIE…..It wasnt a accident……Notice there not talking about the ECONOMY!

  5. 2012venusfly says:

    dOES ANYBODY BESIDES ME thinks its Srange that National geograpic was there Film this(accident)…..LIVE!………Just like Fox was at the Twin Towers…..LiVE….as If they knew It was going to happen, before ….we did!

  6. CarlosKblo says:

    pls /watch?v=KpsnGOwKyRI

  7. killakats2255 says:

    hi im tony heyward vice president of BP and i want to say to all the american people out there, DRILL BABY DRILL!!!!!!! cause i don’t give a shit about your country as i live far far away !

  8. catrashoo says:

    mayor n_n

  9. wastelandsoldier1 says:

    They need to do something.

  10. thalonelygirl says:

    What a tragedy.

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