Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Researchers Fear Gulf Oil Spills Impact on Turtle Species

Posted on May 12, 2010 by bp complaints

BlazerCast for May 4, 2010: Biologists Thane Wibbels, Ph.D., Ken Marion, Ph.D., and their graduate research assistant Andy Coleman have spent the better part of four years fighting to keep the Alabama Diamondback Terrapin off the endangered species list, going so far as to open a turtle hatchery on campus. Now, the growing oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico could void the progress theyve made, Wibbels says. Hear what most concerns him as the oil spill closes in on the Alabama coast line in this weeks Blazercast. Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Become a fan of BlazerCast on Facebook: bit.ly

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0 to “Researchers Fear Gulf Oil Spills Impact on Turtle Species”

  1. JizzonTheDark says:

    Bring them to NC, they might have a chance here.

  2. Allamericom says:

    Iran the 5th Largest oil producers in the world offers to help in gulfs oil crises – call Mr slick Hussein and ask him if it’s all right.
    Wake up America DemoRepublican oil war mongers – Bring home our troops we can use them here and now on a real oil war

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