Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Oil Spill? New footage of dead fish on beach near Palm Beach County

Posted on May 24, 2010 by bp complaints

Filmed 20 minutes north of Palm Beach County, FL on Tuesday May 18, 2010 at 9:00a EST. Is the BP oil spill the cause of hundreds of dead fish washing up on Southeast Florida beaches? Cold weather is capable of killing certain types of fish. This morning, area temperatures were near 90*F. Video copyright of www.landofthemarvelous.com Subscribe for more updates. Tags “May 16” “May 17” “May 18” dispersant riser pipe syphon gulf louisiana alabama mississippi miami lauderdale “palm beach” turtles coral reef pelicans oilspill oilslick oil BP Deepwater Horizon Transocean Halliburton Anadarko wellhead junkshot containment boom dome rov rig blowout ixtoc exxon valdez volcano geyser loop current gulfstream “new orleans” biloxi

0 to “Oil Spill? New footage of dead fish on beach near Palm Beach County”

  1. ArtisanTony says:

    No harm, those fish were liberals, hehehe

  2. Yoetah says:

    School Of Fish Gasping For Air In The Gulf Of Mexico

  3. SuperMcfly12 says:

    @nirvgardengod ya i’d say millions of gallons is just “a little” haha

  4. mauibrad says:

    The problem with these fish is not the oil. It’s the dispersant.

  5. landofthemarvelous says:

    “Niki Desjardins, a senior scientist at Environmental Associate… reported finding between 500 and 1,000 dead Atlantic croakers, each 5 to 6 inches long”
    The Stuart News, May 18

  6. Bruce says:

    @Vote4Nava Why are you spewing disinfo? They totally are shooting chemical dispersants 5,000 feet beneath the sea and also spraying it on the surface.

  7. nirvgardengod says:

    @monkeychief25 I’m sure everything is getting blown out of proportion. oil is natural and im sure the ocean will be able to deal with a little extra oil.

  8. monkeychief25 says:

    Those Fish could be there for any number of reasons, my guess a fisherman castnetted them and left them there, I don’t mean to downplay the situation but instantly blaming this on the oil spill seems rather alarmist

  9. lsukitten says:

    I live in Louisiana and I just want to cry everything I have ever known is gone. 2012 here we come. God please take me in the rapture!! I can’t stand to see any more!!

  10. Vote4Nava says:

    I apologize for not being more informational. I actually responded to “starlight1946’s” question: Did the oil or the chemicals added to the oil spill kill them?
    I responded: Since the oil spewed directly from the ground, no chemicals had a chance to be added. Therefore, no chemicals; only oil.
    I thought my reply was obviously stating that the oil killed the sea life w/o chemical additives & therefore, oil is already toxic w/o chemicals added.
    Whoever thinks otherwise is stupid.

  11. anongrey says:

    Not even the tip of the iceberg of what is coming.

  12. mapasu says:

    sad very sad 🙁

  13. Justagameweplay says:

    Crude is extremely toxic even straight out of the ground. It’s cleaned up before you pump it at the station.

  14. TurkeyFarmer says:

    Golfo de la muerte

  15. BeeAngelful says:

    this sends chills down my spine!

  16. 1BigRocket says:

    totally common to see dead baitfish on the beach right now. Schools of bait are moving into our waters with the change of season and they frequently wash up on the beach after being attacked and injured by predatory fish that follow them around feeding on them. To post this in the context of the oil spill is self-serving and irresponsible. Not to say it could not happen within a few weeks, but this is premature and unrelated.

  17. scorpm64 says:

    call me skeptical but I’m waiting for a SCIENTIST to confirm what killed those fish. NOT some weekend videographer thanks. It’s bait running season and this sight is not uncommon.

  18. innes25dave says:

    @Vote4Nava yah man sorry to say but yah lots of dispersant being sprayed

  19. lundburgerr says:

    @RonPaulMall were you just lolling around or were you being serious?? 😛

  20. ChrisMelnibone says:

    @Vote4Nava Why are you spewing disinfo? They totally are shooting chemical dispersants 5,000 feet beneath the sea and also spraying it on the surface.

  21. FoundingFathersSayNO says:

    The government is letting BP destroy the gulf! in just a few more weeks half of the gulf and many beaches and tourism will be destroyed by the oil volcano! seafood poisioned forever! Hotels empty, black beaches with oil and shit balls and dead fish!

  22. Vote4Nava says:

    @starlight1946 Since the oil spewed directly from the ground, no chemicals had a chance to be added. Therefore, no chemicals; only oil.

  23. TheSkabal says:

    This is DOOM!!

  24. ladiflash says:

    Not many are even interested in this kind of news. Read some posts on news site, Treasure Coast/Palm Beach area, and they just seem to think it’s a lot of hype about nothing. People don’t care, sad.

  25. elymt says:

    spill baby spill

  26. starlight1946 says:

    Did the oil or the chemicals added to the oil spill kill them?

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