Oil spill Gulf of Mexico
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May 30, 2010 by
bp complaints

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In this video, made from from Alabama resident John Wathen, a private pilot volunteer who flew over the area where the oil rig sank, shot this incredible video footage, bringing home the fact that this disaster is unstoppable, and BP is trivializing it. Officials have stopped guessing at the amount of oil leaking although some speculate it may be closer to 1 million gallons per day. Some say it may be up to 5 million gallons a day.
this video makes me cry, pobres animalitos, todo x los bp, xk no piensas en nuestro planeta
The whole disaster is America’s Karma at work…
Obama has done what no other terrorist could, that is destroying the US coast line or may be the planet earth all together.
@jasonkita to h e l l with the animals just plug it up.
intentional neglect of containmnet spill safety measures.
Wilfull more like it!
seanreid…….don’t worry they won’t be drilling new wells for a long long time……. there are so many other places we could be looking like CO.and the northern states on the border with Canada….lots of oil up there.
Those birds aren’t even from the recent spill. If you don’t mind paying $50/gallon to fill your car up to get to work then we’ll just quit drilling. Otherwise, Drill baby Drill!!!!
If there was ANYTHING i could do to help these animals in the ocean. I Would.
**BP (British Petroleum)
We men are wretched things.
Game over…
Thanks for sharing this video.
@TheHebrew20 For those who need to be brought up to speed on the Bible, what was quoted is correct.. We could very well be seeing the end times here. It is so ironic how the Bible has been accurate, yet so many want to denounce it as a fairy tale.
We shall see.
Revelations 16:3 “And the 2nd Malak poured out his vial upon the SEA(Gulf of Mexico); and it became as the BLOOD of a dead man: and every living soul(creature: fish & etc) died in the sea
it seems to me the best solution would be to take a cable and attach it to the blowout preventer and yank it off with a crane, and then take the drill steam that nomally would be used to drill the deep ocean wells and attach a wedge shaped piece of metal or wood and jam it down the main well head. by taking the bop off the well head you would only have one leak insted of 5 leaks.. and it would be a straight shot into the pipe with the wedge shaped plug.. not rocket science..
big parasite
it seems to me the best solution would be to take a cable and attach it to the blowout preventer and yank it off with a crane, and then take the drill steam that nomally would be used to drill the deep ocean wells and attach a wedge shaped piece of metal or wood and jam it down the main well head. by taking the bop off the well head you would only have one leak insted of 5 leaks.. and it would be a straight shot into the pipe with the wedge shaped plug.. not rocket science..
it seems to me the best solution would be to take a cable and attach it to the blowout preventer and yank it off with a crane, and then take the drill steam that nomally would be used to drill the deep ocean wells and attach a wedge shaped piece of metal or wood and jam it down the main well head. by taking the bop off the well head you would only have one leak insted of 5 leaks.. and it would be a straight shot into the pipe with the wedge shaped plug.. not rocket science..
Look up the “Acoustic Switch” and why every other country MUST use it as a safety precaution, yet we don’t.
Deregulation folks..
When I first saw this, I was sickened. Little wonder why BP wants to keep it quiet and downplay it. I know I wouldn’t want to be responsible for the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico.
They just found miles and miles of pockets of more oil just under the surface. it is far far worse than any of us imagine. the gulf and states are done. great work.
Got to understand the Federal Governments involved more than you think its all about talk how much you need them and laws – do you think they even want to try something practical if it won’t help them
Thanks anyway
Wake up America your under siege States need to seperate from the Federal Union declaration of independence and self supporting long ago
To easy to simple you got to understand the Federal Governments involved its all about talk how much you need them and laws – do you think they even want to try something practical if it won’t help them
Thanks anyway
Wake up America your under siege
Russia has one that was blowing for two years, and they finally had to use a nuke to seal it up.
Last thing is that BP the ones that didn’t run the rig, didn’t own the rig, didn’t set the cement on the floor. hen they owns 65% of the well, and Anadarko(US) owns 25%/ Mitsui(Japan) owns 10% of this.
Why all these other companies that are involved get ignored I have no clue. BP did have 7 delegates(higher ups)on the rig when it blew. That just happened to be there for safety awards.
the cement dead man switch that has failed. The same company that is in trouble in Australia. Yet, it was transocean equipment that failed, and caused all the mess to come about anyway. They are being shady about it calling for them to be capped at 25mil when they are the cause of the mess. BP AMOCO of course wants the oil, and they will make a killing when they get it under control.
Just to say that on land(Not out with a deep rig)their has been blow outs before that they just couldn’t cap.
I love how everyone ignores the dead zone in the Gulf, and or trash continent out in the Pacific. Unlike those messes tho this one will be cleaned up. The dead man switch that should of prevented this failed when the rig went down. They said they have been trying to make it close day after day.
Another thing that bugs me is that everyone blames BP AMOCO for this disaster. Then they contracted the rig, and that came with contracted workers. Then on top of that another contractor installed
lol isn’t there more benzene in that cigarette smoke than you’d get exposed to swimming in that oil slick? xD
electronic cigarette? why even smoke a cigarette in the first place?? it kills you, and you don’t get high. smoke weed every dayyyyyy. HEMP FUEL TOO and paper and everything else….
ah its the end of the world! we won’t even make it to 2012 at this rate.
hello join unity wave
this is an amazing video of how sickening this event truely is… to think of the impact of everyday life and the waterlife down there is very depressing… if those ppl only cared about our mother earth instead of money, this could have been prevented…