Microsoft Sam on Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico 2010
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May 19, 2010 by
bp complaints
Microsoft Sam and his political round table on the British Petroleyum (BP) oil rig that is leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico, featuring Microsoft Sam, Mary Mike, James, and Jack

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shame oil spill. fuck oil spill!
The failure of Government is all around us to long to late – Want Health care? Bring home our troops DemoRepublicans we can use our troops here
The big difference between Katrina and this Oil mess is Katrina was believed to be caused by nature the black oil spill was caused by man Britain we are faced with another Obamanation of America and sea life. How about firing a missal like the one used to cap on the pentagon for war ploy? Or Termite that was used to take down the towers?
Wake up America
It s beautiful….u wanna oil…take it on ur beaches…LOL
well this looks like a good enough reason to kick drilling OUT … seems amazing that it hasnt happened yet