How to clean up BP’s Gulf Coast Oil Spill
Posted on
May 25, 2010 by
bp complaints

The Hour assigns its crack research team to investigate ways we can get the Gulf Coast Oil Spill cleaned up in no time flat.
@xpez keep in mind they don’t have a font for sarcasm yet.
It was funnier without the sound.
funny shit!!
i do not know what kind of cynics can make comedy out of something like the environmental disaster in the gulf of Mexico, you are only insulting mother earth which is the one that feeds you, but also you are spiting at the face of millions of people that live on the gulf that depend on those waters.
hiding ! loll
@irtimed umm…i was being sarcastic..its obvious this is comedy.
i wanted to sound like a crazy you tube poster.
@xpez don’t tell other people what they can and can’t laugh at stupid.
this is no laughing matter…..
How about Sham Wow? 😉
you cut off my nipple…
Too true…
thanks The Hour players, sadly, your depiction of our current state is not far off. sad… sad what we’re leaving our children to deal with 🙁
technically… the blow-out on the rig occurred while Halliburton was running the cementing of the well, while there were only 6 people from BP on the derrick.
Might wanna tone back the whole manifest destiny thing as well there NYoly
@02stv yo dun get a life and stack some money up you fucking canadian bitch…BLOCKED
You should read what you just wrote…it’s quite hilarious son hehe
@02stv meh your just jealous you cant do what im doing, haha its really said, i shitted on your and you have nothing leeft to say, broke, stupid and ugly i bet, bitch!
not funny
Meh, you’re just a silly kid pretending to be more than he really is.
You would better call some tank airplanes with pipes and turn the pumps to run in reverse…. it will get to the land quicker and cleaner…. it flotates over the water, you know…
@02stv sorry faggot, i have gold n silver i only use fiat to pay for daily shit so suck my dick bitch!
You’re just like that neighbor who drives a Ferrari but is at the same time $2 million in debt… tsk, tsk, tsk.
*source brilligDOTcomSLASHdebt_clock
It’s funny how you use the height of the dollar to hide the fact that you are 12,931,604,026,824 of those same dollars in debt…. (rolling eyes)
@gilbert4321 really? whats going on with the euro then huh, the usa dollar is the strongest right now against and other, we will be the last and people like me with money will have people like you on the knees, just like your momma
yeaaa, sound’s working!