FULL VIDEO: Transocean Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion shows new risks
FULL tinyurl.com UNCENSORED SINKING OIL RIG functionaries are mobilizing for a cleanup surgery in case a large oil spill occurs, in what has become one of the worst industry disasters in decades.afterward listing for most of Wednesday, the 0 million political platform 41 miles off the Seacoast of Louisiana sunk in 5000 feet of pee at hot 10 am Thursday. Seventeen people were injured, and 11 are notwithstanding missing from the explosion. The rest of the crew of 126 filed into lifeboats or jumped nearly 100 feet from the weapons platform before being pulled from the irrigate by Seacoast Guard rescue crews. As the intense fire burned the spewing oil off on Wednesday, early meter readings were that the set fire didn’t present significant peril to the coastal ecosystem. But with the set now sunk and the fire out, concerns are now growing that the post dismissed mirror a deep-piss spill caused by a fire on the West Atlas rig off Australia last year, which environmentalists likened to a “disaster movie.”
Video Rating: 3 / 5
CoastGuardNews.com NEW ORLEANS – Fire boat response crews battle the blazing remnants of the off shore oil rig Deepwater Horizon April 21, 2010. A Coast Guard MH-65C Dolphin rescue helicopter and crew document the fire aboard the mobile offshore drilling unit Deepwater Horizon, while searching for survivors April 21, 2010. Multiple Coast Guard helicopters, planes and cutters responded to rescue the Deepwater Horizon’s 126 person crew. US Coast Guard video by Air Station New Orleans
It exploded on 4/20/2010 add them up you get 9, and 11 crew members missing.
126 crew members 11 missing.
1+2+6 = 9 and 11.
Health care bill became law on 3/23/2010, add them up you get 11. There was an 11 year old black boy watching Obama sign the Bill with 22 pens. (11+11)
Go to min 1:24 of: “Knowing” movie and the Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 2010.”
Go to min 1:24 of this clip of the KNOWING movie. After he says “eighty one” (9+1) then the movie focus on the TV news talking about a Gulf of Mexico explosion. This is all a SET UP
Oil should not be extracted from under water. The complex chemistry of oil is lost when burned. We are burning fossil fuel at 10000 times the natural rate of it’s own formation. Oil should be just used to make lawn chairs and shoes and unique compounds – not burned and lost for ever.
Join the UNITYWAVE to save the gulf
come to mexico morrons americans
Killarizonas watting all u
@ktatis99 The rig exploded one day after the US decided to increase gulf oil production. Goldman Sachs made “a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico” one day before the rig exploded, just like on 9/11. Israel’s existence depends on the US buying middle-east oil. Israel attacked the US again and our government does nothing! WAKE UP PEOPLE! YOU’RE SLAVES!
@lshimokaji204 The rig exploded one day after the US decided to increase gulf oil production. Goldman Sachs made “a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico” one day before the rig exploded, just like on 9/11. Israel’s existence depends on the US buying middle-east oil. Israel attacked the US again and our government does nothing! WAKE UP PEOPLE! YOU’RE SLAVES!
@cjleger337 The rig exploded one day after the US decided to increase gulf oil production. Goldman Sachs made “a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico” one day before the rig exploded, just like on 9/11. Israel’s existence depends on the US buying middle-east oil. Israel attacked the US again and our government does nothing! WAKE UP PEOPLE! YOU’RE SLAVES!
easy oil leak fix
Here is the best and fast way to fix the BP oil leak. check it out by going to my video at watch?v=W_lqy2QdJ8w
or by clicking on my name
@trea417 I dont mean to sound heartless but your husband probably knew the dangers of working offshore before he did it. Almost every oilfield job is dangerous. It’s nobodys fault, it was an accident…
@cyigo2wrk You think big oil cares about who you buy from or not? Theres a million other people who will buy BP. All of the oil comes from the same place anyways..
@Kandanna We will rely on oil for quite some time, its not just a fuel source. It is the base of many other things.
@aldemargv Em portugal já se questiona politicamente,se apostar nas plataformas é um bom negocio ou uma catastrofere.Querem fazer algumas no Algarve e nós estamos revoltados com a decisão.E se nos acontecer uma coisa destas?Eis a questão.
hmm think if rouge nations targeted all the oil rigs. that would make things messy.
@ctnelson3865Because my particular metaphor? It’s not about the fossil fuels. It’s about what we do with it and how much we depend on it now… From our plastic toothbrushes to an almost infinite list of things…But anyway, it is not my place to proof you wrong or right about my “amazing lack of oil industry knowledge” or to try to educate others that I perhaps think are ignorant without even knowing how to come across with my “knowledge” respectfully (DUGD11)…
Regards darling
I jumped for joy upon hearing of phoebe prince’s death. she’s a fat ugly irish slut. I love watching her writhe in pain. I’m reliving her moment of spectacular death. She tossed and turned on from the rope. Maggots crawled out of her eye sockets and nostrils. Then her body went stiff. She gasped for air, choking on boyfriend’s semen. Then her body went limp and she was no more I wish I were there to capture that kodak moment on camera. I’m gonna pee on her irish grave.
Iz perrty sher itz OVER 9000!!!1!one!11!
That sure looks like a lot more than 8000 gallons. I hear 8000 gallons of kerosene dropped the WTC. Both of them. In an hour. This thing seems to burn and burn. I’ll bet that;s over 8000 gallons an hour. But it takes forever to collapse. The WTC was 110 acres. The oil rig is 1.5 acres
@Kandanna – your lack of knowledge about any of the work that the oil industry does is amazing. DUGD11 is on the money. Many others out there in the energy business are doing much worse than BIG OIL!!!
@Nicodemus69 Hello,It’s good you know all that as well… But I’m not talking about the U.S (the country) I’m talking about “US” the humans around the globe!! that think we own this planet, That conscience or unconsciously are cooperating with this atrocities to continue to happen. This whole oil industry (Earth blood sucking) Is just one more thing. This planet can not take for much longer all this wounds and hemorrhages…
Will I hate to tell you that I told you that this would happen, why do we have to relay on oil, the safety award is a joke, the respone by BP is a joke, and the government was too slow to response.
remember when katie had that camera stuck in her bum smfh
Esperemos a que el daño ambiental sea el mas minimo…. respecto a la responsabilidad de BP para con los gastos del daño ambiental, considero que BP posee los recursos suficientes para mitigar y compensar los daños que se estan ocasionando.
Soooo, what about that safety award heh. Now they should win the environmental hazard award.
It exploded on 4/20/2010 add them up you get 9, and 11 crew members missing.
126 crew members 11 missing.
1+2+6 = 9 and 11.
Health care bill became law on 3/23/2010, add them up you get 11. There was an 11 year old black boy watching Obama sign the Bill with 22 pens. (11+11)
Go to min 1:24 of: “Knowing” movie and the Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 2010.”
Go to min 1:24 of this clip of the KNOWING movie. After he says “eighty one” (9+1) then the movie focus on the TV news talking about a Gulf of Mexico explosion. This is all a SET UP
Oil should not be extracted from under water. The complex chemistry of oil is lost when burned. We are burning fossil fuel at 10000 times the natural rate of it’s own formation. Oil should be just used to make lawn chairs and shoes and unique compounds – not burned and lost for ever.
Join the UNITYWAVE to save the gulf
come to mexico morrons americans
Killarizonas watting all u
@ktatis99 The rig exploded one day after the US decided to increase gulf oil production. Goldman Sachs made “a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico” one day before the rig exploded, just like on 9/11. Israel’s existence depends on the US buying middle-east oil. Israel attacked the US again and our government does nothing! WAKE UP PEOPLE! YOU’RE SLAVES!
@lshimokaji204 The rig exploded one day after the US decided to increase gulf oil production. Goldman Sachs made “a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico” one day before the rig exploded, just like on 9/11. Israel’s existence depends on the US buying middle-east oil. Israel attacked the US again and our government does nothing! WAKE UP PEOPLE! YOU’RE SLAVES!
@cjleger337 The rig exploded one day after the US decided to increase gulf oil production. Goldman Sachs made “a substantial financial bet against the Gulf of Mexico” one day before the rig exploded, just like on 9/11. Israel’s existence depends on the US buying middle-east oil. Israel attacked the US again and our government does nothing! WAKE UP PEOPLE! YOU’RE SLAVES!
easy oil leak fix
Here is the best and fast way to fix the BP oil leak. check it out by going to my video at watch?v=W_lqy2QdJ8w
or by clicking on my name
@trea417 I dont mean to sound heartless but your husband probably knew the dangers of working offshore before he did it. Almost every oilfield job is dangerous. It’s nobodys fault, it was an accident…
@cyigo2wrk You think big oil cares about who you buy from or not? Theres a million other people who will buy BP. All of the oil comes from the same place anyways..
@Kandanna We will rely on oil for quite some time, its not just a fuel source. It is the base of many other things.
@aldemargv Em portugal já se questiona politicamente,se apostar nas plataformas é um bom negocio ou uma catastrofere.Querem fazer algumas no Algarve e nós estamos revoltados com a decisão.E se nos acontecer uma coisa destas?Eis a questão.
hmm think if rouge nations targeted all the oil rigs. that would make things messy.
@ctnelson3865Because my particular metaphor? It’s not about the fossil fuels. It’s about what we do with it and how much we depend on it now… From our plastic toothbrushes to an almost infinite list of things…But anyway, it is not my place to proof you wrong or right about my “amazing lack of oil industry knowledge” or to try to educate others that I perhaps think are ignorant without even knowing how to come across with my “knowledge” respectfully (DUGD11)…
Regards darling
I jumped for joy upon hearing of phoebe prince’s death. she’s a fat ugly irish slut. I love watching her writhe in pain. I’m reliving her moment of spectacular death. She tossed and turned on from the rope. Maggots crawled out of her eye sockets and nostrils. Then her body went stiff. She gasped for air, choking on boyfriend’s semen. Then her body went limp and she was no more I wish I were there to capture that kodak moment on camera. I’m gonna pee on her irish grave.
Iz perrty sher itz OVER 9000!!!1!one!11!
That sure looks like a lot more than 8000 gallons. I hear 8000 gallons of kerosene dropped the WTC. Both of them. In an hour. This thing seems to burn and burn. I’ll bet that;s over 8000 gallons an hour. But it takes forever to collapse. The WTC was 110 acres. The oil rig is 1.5 acres
@Kandanna – your lack of knowledge about any of the work that the oil industry does is amazing. DUGD11 is on the money. Many others out there in the energy business are doing much worse than BIG OIL!!!
@Nicodemus69 Hello,It’s good you know all that as well… But I’m not talking about the U.S (the country) I’m talking about “US” the humans around the globe!! that think we own this planet, That conscience or unconsciously are cooperating with this atrocities to continue to happen. This whole oil industry (Earth blood sucking) Is just one more thing. This planet can not take for much longer all this wounds and hemorrhages…
Will I hate to tell you that I told you that this would happen, why do we have to relay on oil, the safety award is a joke, the respone by BP is a joke, and the government was too slow to response.
remember when katie had that camera stuck in her bum smfh
Esperemos a que el daño ambiental sea el mas minimo…. respecto a la responsabilidad de BP para con los gastos del daño ambiental, considero que BP posee los recursos suficientes para mitigar y compensar los daños que se estan ocasionando.
Soooo, what about that safety award heh. Now they should win the environmental hazard award.