Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Deepwater Horizon Underwater Oil Leak, Attempted Cofferdam Capping

Posted on May 19, 2010 by bp complaints

airboyd.tv Courtesy United States Coast Guard/Deepwater Horizon Response ROBERT, La. — Oil and gas stream from the riser of the Deepwater Horizon well May 11, 2010. This video is from the larger of two existing leaks on the riser. This leak is located approximately 460 feet from the top of the blowout preventer and rests on the sea floor at a depth of about 5000 feet.

airboyd.tv Courtesy USCG, Air Station New Orleans, CWO LM Bryant NEW ORLEANS – Fire boat response crews battle the blazing remnants of the off shore oil rig Deepwater Horizon April 21, 2010. A Coast Guard MH-65C Dolphin rescue helicopter and crew document the fire aboard the mobile offshore drilling unit Deepwater Horizon, while searching for survivors April 21, 2010. Multiple Coast Guard helicopters, planes and cutters responded to rescue the Deepwater Horizon’s 126 person crew.

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  1. ThePoolPisser says:


    stop watching “the thiefs of olympus”

  2. matrxmax says:

    @JBoY2214 I being fictitious environmental wacko, can’t you tell.

  3. JBoY2214 says:

    @matrxmax You are human dumbass

  4. matrxmax says:

    Aargh! look, look our great Mother Earth is dying, bleeding from her bowels, look what those evil humans have done to me after I feed and nurture them humans – they disembowled me, wake up oh great gods of seas and strike them humans with earthquicks, tornados and hurricans, floodings. Wake from your slumber oh Poseidon – Neptune and strike them humans with deseases, pestilence and bring Earth back into balance for they are killing our great mother Gaia.



  6. Greddybear says:

    @UHOH74 not at 200,000 psi

  7. pasnell says:

    @aceyorba Reports say it is a 20″ pipe…almost 2 feet…

  8. dvmisk says:

    pressure is huge….200.000 psi +….

  9. aceyorba says:

    so what is the approx diameter if this hole??

  10. bassic83 says:

    three words- tactical nuke torpedo.

  11. UHOH74 says:

    Pardon my ignorance, but would simply dredging enough sand to cover the leak possibly work?

  12. MrJamDiaz says:

    Hope that one works šŸ™‚

  13. simplyguys says:

    Big dƩsastre really sad !!

  14. mistaxray says:

    @jerrry13157 Haven’t heard anything yet. I think the want to try it today.

  15. jerrry13157 says:

    @mistaxray did the lighter one work?

  16. mistaxray says:

    @MrJamDiaz Newspapers said they try to install another one, which is lighter.

  17. MrJamDiaz says:

    @CrdBrdProjects So sad it failed šŸ™ what is the next move ?

  18. CrdBrdProjects says:

    @vincentbadminton i think it had something to do with crystal buildup, and that caused excess bouyancey with the cap

  19. vincentbadminton says:

    the pressure was too high? :S

  20. FSXLOVER4 says:


  21. mmdghr says:


  22. xboxlivegstar11 says:

    jesus !!!

  23. FSXLOVER4 says:

    haha think about how many “green” people went crazy over this

  24. JerdooFlightX says:

    idiots thats what they are šŸ™‚ messing up mother nature, pay a little more respect that would be something… BP sucks!!!!

  25. L33tP1ckL says:

    Talk about ‘fully involved’… GEEZ!

  26. Taz1451 says:

    Watch fuel prices rise..

  27. kmg501 says:

    What a mess šŸ™

  28. wilson3a10 says:

    God bless the marine creatures

  29. B3rettaZ26 says:

    so sad..

  30. SuperFirefox777 says:


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