Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill… Oil Rig Explosion April 2010
Posted on
May 20, 2010 by
bp complaints
Please RATE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE… An article by Daily News writer Helen Kennedy paraphrased… God Bless those who lost their lives in this tragedy.
@PsychoticusRex go to hell socialists…
Obama said that he’d halt all off shore drilling after this crisis pending review, then the department of energy / resources releases 7 new “exploratory” drill permits the next day for the gulf region. I’m not some teabagging freak, I’m a socialist, but this kind of crap is what we expected from Bush, not Obama.
salt water as fuel salt water as fuel salt water as fuel salt water as fuel salt water as fuel salt water as fuel salt water as fuel salt water as fuel salt water as fuel.
search youtube for “the most amazing invention”
Obama wants to use a thermalnuclear weapon to stop the oil flow. liberteaparty has the video on this it’s called Breaking News!! – Obama to Order Nuclear Detonation against Oil rig in Gulf. He just uploaded it so it shouldn’t be to hard to find.
I agree a oil slick is worst than Katrina!!
@2024JayZ Thanks for watching and for the comment!
Great job buddy This is so f-ed up money hungry SOB’s to many chiefs and not enough indians -Jason