Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico 2010 | Submit your complaints and let your voice be heard!

BP Complaints

Big oil controlling Obama

Posted on May 19, 2010 by bp complaints

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is uncovering some dirty details, plans are underway to try and cap the spill. There are new allegations surfacing that say President Barack Obama and oil company British Petroleum are masking the severity of the oil spill. Wayne Madsen says that President Barack Obama is just helping out the same people that contributed to his campaign in 2008.

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  1. judderwocky says:

    @judderwocky and yes…i realize i misspelled receive ;p

  2. judderwocky says:

    Everyone go to the Seize BP website ( s e i z e b p . o r g ) 🙂

    and yes… he did recieve more campaign contributions from them than anybody else. I am ASHAMED I SUPPORTED HIM IN THE LAST ELECTION.

    I worked for a number of liberal / progressive organizations and I just keep getting more and more pissed at his hypocrisy.

  3. wolfgangfaust says:

    definitions from American lexicon, 2020
    OBAMALOO-19 February 2010
    OBAMAGEDDON- 02 November 2010
    PROSTITICIAN-reference to Barry Sotoero, aka “Barack Obama” 44th president of the United States from 2008-2011. Impeached and removed from office by Senate and House investigated allegations of lack of natural-born citizenship. Fled to Kenya prior to trial. Hoax perpetrated by the now-imprisoned Rothschild banking family and “Communist” agents, leading to the removal of the “Federal” Reserve

  4. dahoss2x says:

    Newly-released documents show government regulators exempted BP from a comprehensive environmental review of the project that resulted in the spill. The Minerals Management Service granted BP a categorical exclusion from a full review before approving the project . Obama recieved 3 million dollars from BP. The media silence is mind-boggling, to say the least .

  5. dahoss2x says:

    Newly-released documents show government regulators exempted BP from a comprehensive environmental review of the project that resulted in the spill. The Minerals Management Service granted BP a categorical exclusion from a full review before approving the project . Obama recieved 3 million dollars from BP. The media silence is mind-boggling, to say the least

  6. rod2248 says:

    This is obama’s katrina. Only much, much worse. All retoric and no action. Only when it becomes a political liability for him will he respond. It is already too late.

  7. unfortunatebeam says:

    The whole reason the faulty pipe broke in the first place is because it was hastily manufactured by the genius executive decisons of HALIBURTON! And who does that atrocity belong too? No politician Obama or anyone else in this era can do much outside the binds and controls of the corporate values dominant world system. Were at a point where a more fundamental action is needed for a fundamental shift. Such a shift needs far more than simply electing something who looks different to office.

  8. kokocipher says:

    How many wants to bet that the spill was done on purpose?

  9. All4GayUSA says:

    First it was Bush, now Obama, he’s the new Enemy of the State. Obama has single-handedly sunk the US further into debt than any president in the History of mankind and still signs underhanded deals with Haliburton, the Multinational Federal services company behind the wars in Iraq and who caused the oil spill that is sending our entire Gulf Coast to Hell. No “Change” as hoped or when we all voted for him. And Gay Rights? Gimme a break!! Obama is just another SAMBO taking orders from his Massa.

  10. ObamaIsDaAntiChrist says:


  11. jayluketa says:

    Obama broke every promise he made, just like every other politician in the history of mankind. Does anyone actually expect it to be any different?

  12. PeterAlbertSmith says:

    halliburton was contracted by bp to seal the rig:-

    thefirstpost co uk

  13. Khultan says:

    You must not forget, citizens of any nation, Sen. Joseph LIeberman also is a staunch, vocal supporter of oil expansion.

  14. ravenise says:

    No shit Wayne, watched this on CNN yesterday

  15. bizskithead says:

    shallow promises my ass i call them lies

  16. Tressco says:


  17. hellahzen says:

    what a fucking nightmare..more hair mops less politics and bullshit

  18. videosouthafrica says:

    well at least there is no bill for anyone … seeing BP are paying … well i do recall Obama saying BP are paying … so i hope no-one is wasting their time estimating the cost

  19. babaluto says:

    Not too impressed on how he dropped the Haliburton name and did not connect it to anything whatsoever… This report sounds a bit mongerish and needs alot more work before uploading.

  20. Allamericom says:

    Who is controlling who?
    Don’t worry our follower will blame someone else
    leaders lead they don’t blame.
    Wake up America

  21. alifico says:

    its not big oil controlling obama its the elitist network thats controlling bp and obama and half the world. the u.n/imf/wto/corporate/media/science/religion thats how massive this thing is. start investigating, i’ll see you next decade. hopefully.

  22. cerritoboy says:

    Wayne Madsen rulz! I love this guy!

  23. cerritoboy says:

    @Sturmpionier03 Shut the fuck up dude! Grow up!

  24. videosouthafrica says:

    why hasnt BP hired EVERY BOAT avaliable to stop oil getting to ANY beautiful island … why hasnt Obama done this ? … BP has enough money to hire every person out of work NOW to get in their boats and PROTECT islands etc … they can Donate huge plastic covers for ALL islands in the gulf … why hasnt it been done ? TELL BP to hire YOU … YOU arent out of work !!

  25. yourboycal says:

    I like russia today =) I think you guys are doing a fantastic job ! with your news coverage , interviews , and ubiased opinion. YOu would make the news people of the west to shame. I tip my hat to you guys for the great work! I wish there were more people like you who actually dig into the story.

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